We live in a world where people try to make it hell on earth. This is the politically correct crowd. They believe in their warped minds that they are progressive and on the upward way. This is an incorrect assessment of their position. I know that I am politically incorrect. I am not trying to please everyone as they are.. This is a demonic task. This is the equivalent of being on a treadmill without any way off.
They are not really trying to please everyone. They are only trying to satisfy those of like mind. This means those who are opposed to Christianity. They fly the flag of tolerance to everything that is wicked and evil and is ultimately opposed to all that is good and holy. Those of this ilk are heterosexual-phobic. The politically correct crowd loves everything queer and ungodly. They are in favor of condoms but not in favor of quarantining those who have the AIDS virus. They are the opposite of everything that works in reality.
They are utopians. They are the original Big Brothers of George Orwell’s 1984. They believe that everyone should be free to think like they do. They do not tolerate any deviance from their opinions. They speak what is commonly known as double speak. A normal person will lose their mind trying to reason with these unreasonable and dogmatic people. They see everyone that deviates from their thinking as dangerous and subversive. They want to stamp out and silence these people. They do it through a technique called separation of church and state. While there is a true separation i.e. each has a different function, the politically correct crowd uses it as a silencing technique. In other words, they do not like opposition because they cannot effectively compete in the arena of ideas.
They are the true censors. The very ones who cry against censorship are the ones who want to censor all forms of dissent. They hate competition with a passion. They hate Walmart with all their heart. They do not like the idea that competition brings lower prices. They hate decentralization with not part, but all their heart. They want to absolutely control all aspects of our lives. Sadly, the lemming masses are only too willing to follow their lead. They actually believe that someone in our government can actually make a difference and change things from the way that they are.
The politically correct crowd are into one thing and that is indoctrination. All converts to this religion are brainwashed. Their way of pushing their theology down our throats is through the established church in America, the public school system. Then they encourage us to get further delusional teaching in the lower (they call it higher) educational system. So that no one can misunderstand me, I have a degree in Economics and also in Accounting. In other words, I have been college educated and therefore, I know from where I speak. A college education, with a few exceptions, is nothing more than a brainwashing experience extra ordinaire. It is foisted upon those who are at their most impressionable i.e. idealistic state.
These are those who actually believe that they can change the world. This is a monumental and futile task that they have been assigned. When they leave the ivory towers of utopia, then they must conform to the real world. The real world is not a politically correct world. This is a world where not everyone has been indoctrinated in double speak. This is a world where other people have the truth. Take for instance plumbing. Even politically correct people do not want sewage backed up into their homes. All plumbers are limited to the law of physics. These are laws that they did not establish. They do, however, realize that they exist and to be successful, they must conform to them or suffer the consequences.
The politically correct crowd wish to indoctrinate us all through a technique known as sensitivity training. This is a code word for brainwashing into that women and homosexuals do not like the fact that men are really men. They seek to reorient us into a world where men lose their identity as men. Anyone who has been around men for any length of time realize that men love to tease. The touchy do not like to be teased. These are women and homosexuals. The work world is full of insensitive men. All that I can say to these sensitive types is get used to it. You have officially entered the world of reality.
I have no respect for woman who performs a man’s job. If she is trying to be man, she better get used to the way that men handle their work. If she does not like it, it is time for her to find her life’s calling. One of the reasons that I like vending is because there are so few women involved. This means that a man can actually get his job done without worrying about everybody’s feelings being hurt. I have been fired from jobs and I understand that this has to do with business.
Men have been granted by God, judgment, where women are more guided by their feelings. This does not mean that women are inferior. It simply means that they have a different function in life than men. Physically this ought to be obvious. Anyone that does not realize that there are differences between men and women has not been paying attention. Each has different motivations for what they do.
The modern world tells us that the roles of men and women are interchangeable. This is utter nonsense. The sensitivity crowd wants us to make women to be men and men to be women. This is why homosexuality has come out of the closet. Of course, all this does not work in reality. Politically correct thinking is suicide thought. It leads to death in the final analysis. Of course, where else could it drive itself when it started at the point of death?
I am a man and I am not going to become sensitive because a bunch of women want me to. In other words, I am going to be a man. Men have been given the responsibility by God to be the leaders. This is why they have been given greater judgment than women. Women are more interested in how they are relating to others rather than does this really make sense. The bottom line is if women want to work in a man’s world, they are going to have to learn to not to take everything personally. Some things operate because of the numbers, not the personalities involved.