Saturday, November 24, 2007


We live in a world where people try to make it hell on earth. This is the politically correct crowd. They believe in their warped minds that they are progressive and on the upward way. This is an incorrect assessment of their position. I know that I am politically incorrect. I am not trying to please everyone as they are.. This is a demonic task. This is the equivalent of being on a treadmill without any way off.

They are not really trying to please everyone. They are only trying to satisfy those of like mind. This means those who are opposed to Christianity. They fly the flag of tolerance to everything that is wicked and evil and is ultimately opposed to all that is good and holy. Those of this ilk are heterosexual-phobic. The politically correct crowd loves everything queer and ungodly. They are in favor of condoms but not in favor of quarantining those who have the AIDS virus. They are the opposite of everything that works in reality.

They are utopians. They are the original Big Brothers of George Orwell’s 1984. They believe that everyone should be free to think like they do. They do not tolerate any deviance from their opinions. They speak what is commonly known as double speak. A normal person will lose their mind trying to reason with these unreasonable and dogmatic people. They see everyone that deviates from their thinking as dangerous and subversive. They want to stamp out and silence these people. They do it through a technique called separation of church and state. While there is a true separation i.e. each has a different function, the politically correct crowd uses it as a silencing technique. In other words, they do not like opposition because they cannot effectively compete in the arena of ideas.

They are the true censors. The very ones who cry against censorship are the ones who want to censor all forms of dissent. They hate competition with a passion. They hate Walmart with all their heart. They do not like the idea that competition brings lower prices. They hate decentralization with not part, but all their heart. They want to absolutely control all aspects of our lives. Sadly, the lemming masses are only too willing to follow their lead. They actually believe that someone in our government can actually make a difference and change things from the way that they are.

The politically correct crowd are into one thing and that is indoctrination. All converts to this religion are brainwashed. Their way of pushing their theology down our throats is through the established church in America, the public school system. Then they encourage us to get further delusional teaching in the lower (they call it higher) educational system. So that no one can misunderstand me, I have a degree in Economics and also in Accounting. In other words, I have been college educated and therefore, I know from where I speak. A college education, with a few exceptions, is nothing more than a brainwashing experience extra ordinaire. It is foisted upon those who are at their most impressionable i.e. idealistic state.

These are those who actually believe that they can change the world. This is a monumental and futile task that they have been assigned. When they leave the ivory towers of utopia, then they must conform to the real world. The real world is not a politically correct world. This is a world where not everyone has been indoctrinated in double speak. This is a world where other people have the truth. Take for instance plumbing. Even politically correct people do not want sewage backed up into their homes. All plumbers are limited to the law of physics. These are laws that they did not establish. They do, however, realize that they exist and to be successful, they must conform to them or suffer the consequences.

The politically correct crowd wish to indoctrinate us all through a technique known as sensitivity training. This is a code word for brainwashing into that women and homosexuals do not like the fact that men are really men. They seek to reorient us into a world where men lose their identity as men. Anyone who has been around men for any length of time realize that men love to tease. The touchy do not like to be teased. These are women and homosexuals. The work world is full of insensitive men. All that I can say to these sensitive types is get used to it. You have officially entered the world of reality.

I have no respect for woman who performs a man’s job. If she is trying to be man, she better get used to the way that men handle their work. If she does not like it, it is time for her to find her life’s calling. One of the reasons that I like vending is because there are so few women involved. This means that a man can actually get his job done without worrying about everybody’s feelings being hurt. I have been fired from jobs and I understand that this has to do with business.

Men have been granted by God, judgment, where women are more guided by their feelings. This does not mean that women are inferior. It simply means that they have a different function in life than men. Physically this ought to be obvious. Anyone that does not realize that there are differences between men and women has not been paying attention. Each has different motivations for what they do.

The modern world tells us that the roles of men and women are interchangeable. This is utter nonsense. The sensitivity crowd wants us to make women to be men and men to be women. This is why homosexuality has come out of the closet. Of course, all this does not work in reality. Politically correct thinking is suicide thought. It leads to death in the final analysis. Of course, where else could it drive itself when it started at the point of death?

I am a man and I am not going to become sensitive because a bunch of women want me to. In other words, I am going to be a man. Men have been given the responsibility by God to be the leaders. This is why they have been given greater judgment than women. Women are more interested in how they are relating to others rather than does this really make sense. The bottom line is if women want to work in a man’s world, they are going to have to learn to not to take everything personally. Some things operate because of the numbers, not the personalities involved.

Friday, November 16, 2007


People in the United States are insane. The vast majority should be locked up in mental institutions because they are incapable of sane thought. This is clear when it comes to the death penalty. Those who are opposed to the death penalty are for criminal’s rights over the victim’s rights every time. It took the State of Florida 27 years to put to death a murderer who wasted another’s life in a moment of time. Did this victim feel any pain from this murder? This is disregarded in our present justice system. Nonsense is what prevails.

Think about this stupidity right out in the open. They call Government executions legalized murder and the State should not be granted this right. However, they show they what idiots they are by not realizing that those who murder others have set themselves up as a separate governmental entity determining who is worthy to live and to die. In other words, it is appropriate for these individuals to murder whomever they choose, but the Government does not have the same right.

These are the same individuals who believe that the Government has the right to interfere in every facet of our lives, but when it comes to justice. These individuals are hypocrites. They espouse one thing and do another. True justice demands that the punishment be commensurate with the crime. Since God created this world, then His law will prevail in all such instances.
What is God’s punishment for murderers? Death by stoning. God wants murderers to feel the same pain that they inflicted upon their victims. Does being stoned to death incur pain? The answer is an emphatic, yes. There is no such thing as a painless death. Only a fool believes this and their names are legion who do.

True justice says an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth and a life for a life. If any individual, murders another, regardless of the means, then the punishment is that they forfeit their life without endless appeals. Anybody who does not stand behind this is not a Christian in the Biblical sense.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007



Compassion is a Christian characteristic. Without it, we would be heartless. Nothing would bother our conscience and we would be capable of the most vilest offenses against our neighbors. The Lord Jesus Christ had the following to say concerning compassion in Matthew 9:36, "But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd." Here compassion means to have pity and sympathy. It has the idea of putting oneself in another’s position. Without this trait, cruelty will be the logical conclusion.

In our day and age, the received faith is Darwinian evolution. This faith is characterized by its impersonal nature. It is atheistic to the core. If there is no God, then there is no right or wrong and man can get by with the worse atrocities known to man. Darwinian evolution is summed up in the idea of survival of the fittest. There is no place for the weak and defenseless. They are expendable and disposable. Unsuspecting Christians do not realize that they are supporting Darwinian evolution, when they claim abortion to save the life of the mother. Obviously, the unborn baby is unable to defend itself against grown adults. This supposed abortion exception is nothing more than survival of the fittest veiled in a high sounding moral ground. It does nothing to defend the weak and defenseless.

One thing that galls me is a man that will hit and beat a woman. As I preach it, the man should take me on! I am more his size and would give him a better go for his money. It is the act of a coward to pick on and beat up someone who cannot adequately defend themselves. God’s law was designed with the weak and defenseless in mind. It is an equalizer against those who would seek to take advantage of the less fortunate. It is the direct opposite of the survival of the fittest. In fact, it could be termed the survival of the weakest. This is God’s world and life can only be taken upon His terms, not upon man’s.


On September 23, 2004, the Florida State Supreme Court struck down a law protecting a disabled woman named Terri Schiavo. Her adulterous husband has been attempting for years to see her die by starvation. What crime had this woman committed to deserve the death penalty? Just like abortion, the innocent are put to death without a trial. It came as no surprise that the Supreme Court unanimously decided against life. They are steeped in Darwinian evolution and the eugenics of Margaret Sanger and NAZI Germany. I am thankful that for such individuals, the lake of fire is awaiting them. They are getting away with nothing. God will see that justice prevails and these individuals suffer throughout all eternity for their lack of compassion on those less fortunate than themselves.

God’s law is clear in this matter. Exodus 22:22-24 reads, "Ye shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless child. 23If thou afflict them in any wise, and they cry at all unto me, I will surely hear their cry; 24And my wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless." Afflicting is the opposite of consideration and compassion. A synonym for afflict is harm. Obviously, a widow or orphan is weak and defenseless. God’s law affords them special protection. If any oppress them and they cry out to the Lord, the Lord will ensure that vengeance is carried out on the offending party. God will not show favoritism to any, not even Supreme Court Justices. There is only one Supreme Court.

The individual in question had been brain damaged but was able to breathe on our own. She was the equivalent of someone who is severely mentally retarded. Her adulterous husband simply did not want to take care of her. She was a nuisance to him. He wanted to be rid of her. His actions have spoken much louder than his words. He is living with another woman and has had two bastards with her. He could care less about a woman whom he vowed to love in sickness and health. He is a liar and untrustworthy to be her guardian. He is only concerned with himself. He is selfish and irresponsible.

We are only getting what we deserve, however. The church has almost completely done away with proclaiming God’s law. How do they then define compassion? By what standard? James did not have the New Testament as we do today, when he wrote in James 1:27, "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." I wonder where James got such an idea? Did he just make it up out of his own mind? Did he just happen to believe that God’s law is still applicable in New Testament times? It is clear to the intellectually honest that James was restating Exodus 22:22-24 in the New Testament. What a concept.

The prophet Isaiah applies this covenant lawsuit against Israel in Isaiah 1:17, "Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow." Judge the fatherless here means to plead and defend the cause of the orphan. We are to take up the cause of the weak and defenseless and to defend them because they are unable to do it themselves. This is compassion and consideration, synonyms for love. Love can only be defined by God’s law. Leviticus 19:18 says, "Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD." Now you cannot use the argument that there was no love in the Old Testament because this verse comes from there.

The Lord Jesus obviously thought there was love in the Old Testament law because He summarizes the greatest commandments in Matthew 22:36-40, "Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38This is the first and great commandment. 39And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." Here the Lord Jesus sums up love. Love is applying God’s law to everyday situations. One of those situations is defending the weak and defenseless such as Terri Schiavo’s case.

Everyone on the other side is very clearly showing their callousness. How many of these justices have even bothered to go visit this woman to see what her real condition? Her life and rights mean little to men who had their minds made up even before they heard this case. This is because all people are guided by their presuppositions. These men’s presuppositions are Darwinian evolution. This allows them to show just how insensitive men can be.

Paul wrote of such in Ephesians 4:17-19, "This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, 18Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: 19Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness." The Amplified Bible sums up Darwinian evolution in verse 19 clearly, "In their spiritual apathy they have become callous and past feeling and reckless and have abandoned themselves (a prey) to unbridled sensuality, eager and greedy to indulge in every form of impurity (that their depraved desires may suggest and demand)." Here it is right out in the open. These Supreme Court Justices have no compassion or sympathy for the weak and defenseless. They are cruel and unmerciful.


It must be always be kept in mind that beliefs have consequences. People act upon their beliefs. These Supreme Court Justices are atheists. They are Darwinian evolutionists come out of the closet. They are in broad daylight. All their rhetoric is just noise designed to deflect their atheism. They are arguing over separation of powers, not over whether this innocent woman deserves the death penalty by starvation. As always, sinners miss the point. This is because all sinners are stupid.

They do not fully realize the consequences of their actions and even if you tried to tell them, they would ignore you. They have set themselves up as God. They determine what is right and wrong, not God’s law. One thing is clear, when sinners are applying their version of reality, you are going to die. Proverbs 8:36 sums up the entire matter, "But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death." By their decision, the Florida State Supreme Court Justices to a man affirm their religious faith; death.