Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I have an interest in thinking. I am a student of thought. Thought occurs before action. At one time, I had an interest in what made serial killers tick. What made them do what they do? Looking back on it, it does not matter what made them do it. The subjective can only be surmised. What must be judged are the objective facts of a case. Was a murder committed and if so, who is responsible? The reasons for committing a murder become meaningless.

Studying the criminal mind is a useless enterprise. Criminals have nothing positive or productive to offer. Death and destruction are the tools of their trade. Their thought patterns are filled with evil. You do not overcome evil with evil but with good. This is where the death penalty comes in. The death penalty removes evil people from the earth so that they can no longer do evil. When evil is dealt with in this manner, it leaves room for good to flourish.

What has happened in this nation is that evil is not viewed as being heinous. There has been an attempt to make the perpetrator not responsible for his actions, no matter how horrific the crime. Since the predominate thought pattern is based upon physical sight, experts look for physical reasons that people commit crimes. What these dolts do not understand is that this criminal behavior is spiritual, not physical.

Justice is based upon vengeance against the guilty party. Justice protects the rights of the victim, not the criminal. It is important that the guilty are convicted. A trial is to establish the facts of a case and prove the guilt of the accused. An appeal should only be allowed if there is a question as to the guilt of the accused, such as a conviction based solely upon circumstantial evidence. An open and shut case does not deserve the right to appeal. Such is the case with Christa Gail Pike.

Christa Gail Pike is the youngest woman on death row. If you want to read the horrific murder that this young woman committed do a scroogle search with her name. The first file that comes up will give you the detail of this murderer’s actions. It took the jury two and half hours of deliberation to convict her of murder. All of the evidence of this case leaves no doubt that Pike committed this murder. This is a case beyond appeal. One of the jurors said about Pike that "She has an angel’s face and a devil’s heart." This sums up this case.

What is most amazing about this case is Dr. Jonathan Henry Pincus who is a specialist in neurology. He has been probing Pike’s brain since 2001 (for what reason I do not know). According to the AP story "Pincus believes every killer he has examined shares three features: brain damage, a history of abuse and mental illness." In other words, murderers are not responsible for their murders according to Pincus. What does he suggest we do with people like Pike? He would keep them alive so that he could study them. He would pervert justice, in other words.

Pincus is nothing more than an accomplice to murder. Pike does not need to be studied. She needs to be put to death and the sooner the better. Her victim’s life would then be avenged. Pike deserves retribution. These ungodly experts are perverting justice and causing evil to flourish. There has been much debate about whether the death penalty is a deterrent. When used properly, it is. As the death penalty is used in our day, it is not.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Sometimes you wonder whether or not elected officials will ever learn from historical mistakes. The answer is that they never learn. What has failed in the past is repeated again and again. It is not as though the government has not been provided with workable answers. They have and have chosen to ignore them. Modern day politics is not doing what is right, but about maintaining power at all costs.

The Christian Reconstruction Movement has correctly recognized modern politics as power religion. Power religion is using physical force to enact policies. The use of physical force is necessary because their policies can work in no other way. Power religionists do not understand that the world has been predefined by God and therefore, only by being in conformity with God’s law does anything work in the real world.

Even though their policies will be destructive, the power religionists do not care. They will enact any policy that further entrenches their power. The government uses illusions and propaganda to keep the electorate blind. The electorate remains blinded willfully. The electorate does not want to take the responsibility for their votes and find out what effect enacted policies will have long term. Everyone is shortsighted.

What is amazing is that Obama is acting as though he is the President already. The media covers him as though he has already been inaugurated. I do not recall it ever being like this. Obama is arrogant. He cannot wait to get power. He thinks that he has answers to what is ailing America. He does not. All that he will do is what has failed miserably in the past. He and his future administration are economic ignoramus.’

The government does not create jobs. Businesses creates jobs. The government has make work such as the proposed infrastructure work proposed by Obama. Once a bridge is built, it is built. There is no recurring work. It is a one time event. The government generates no revenues, so they must extract it from its citizens. This means that job creation will be stifled by the amount of government expenditures in creating make work. This is the effect of government expenditures. Economic growth under these conditions is impossible.

A good example is a military base. Very few industries thrive in a city where the military is the primary employer. This is because the primary service of the military is to provide for defense. The military is a net user of goods, not a producer. Only through production of goods and services does a nation gain wealth. This principle is understood by very few of our elected officials. It is not understood by the future administration. Obama’s administration is not based upon ethics, but upon power.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


We are living in a time when thinking is solely based upon what people can see with their physical eyes. They lack spiritual eyes and therefore understanding. All understanding is based upon cause and effect and this is what most people lack. The public school system and most colleges and universities, teach effect based education. What is lacking is teaching cause because all causes are spiritual and these people are spiritually (ethically) dead.

Being ethically dead has consequences. The main consequence of ethical deadness will be to blame the visible effect for any problem. The effect is just the visible representation of a preceding cause. They are not wise enough to go to the cause. This is why the same problems keeping cropping up, no matter how much money has been thrown at the problem. The only thing that a visible thinker can do is to legislate against effects, never against the cause.

An example of visible thinking is gun control. A gun is an inanimate object. A gun has two purposes, one is self-defense and the other for forcing someone to do something against their will. The gun can do nothing by itself. The user of the gun determines how the gun will be utilized. Thus, the cause is determined by the ethical condition of the gun user and by nothing else. This is something that the visible thinker is incapable of understanding. He does not understand that people murder people using guns. He seeks to control the effect through the use of physical force.

We have seen an escalation of corruption in the civil government especially among the Democratic party, where corruption is a way of life. Corruption is a product of not believing in absolutes. Without standards, the only thing that any one is left with is making one’s own standards and these standards will be in a state of constant flux. These fluctuating standards will be dictated by the situation. This means that those who are effect oriented will make it up as they go along. This means that the politician is open to the highest bidder.

The recent scandal involving the Governor of Illinois is a representative case. Many people are saying that the corruption is because of the unlimited amount of political contributions that people are able to make in Illinois. Money is blamed for the corruption. Money is visible but it is merely an effect and not a cause. Money can either be used for good or for evil. Once again, it depends on the ethical condition of the user.

The way to prevent corruption in politics is not by passing Campaign Financing Laws but to elect ethical representatives. This means electing politicians who base their actions upon biblical ethics. By continuing to elect unethical politicians, the result will be predictable, escalating corruption and a new round of corruption. A politician without ethics will be open to corruption. This is why there is so much corruption in civil government, not political contributions.

Monday, December 8, 2008


Most things in life are predictable. Most people do not think in terms of cause and effect. This means that they think solely on the basis of effects. This means that they will never be able to understand what precipitated an event. They end up blaming the wrong thing and then they want the government to do something about the effect. This does nothing to remedy the problem because the cause remains.

Change the cause and the effect will change automatically. This is what needs to be done to remedy any kind of ill. However, this is what never happens in reality. This is because we have moved from a personal world to an impersonal one. Most people are taught in the public school system that there is no god. They fail to teach that God created the world out of nothing in a literal six days. This means that these young people are taught that the world is governed by impersonal forces and these forces must be controlled through the use of magic.

Believing that the world is impersonal has consequences for society at large. First, it removes all sense of personal responsibility. When was the last time you heard of anyone charged with a crime pleading guilty? No one publicly admits that they have committed a sin. They say that they made a mistake or they went against all the things that have believed in like John Edwards tried to do with his adulterous affair.

Personal responsibility is the cornerstone of limited civil government. This is one of the reasons that the civil government has grown so unwieldy because of a lack of personal responsibility. A recent example will prove the point. A part time employee was recently trampled to death on Black Friday at a Walmart in New York. A crowd rushed the doors once they were opened and this employee got caught in the melee and was trampled.

What occurred was predictable. The family of this victim is suing Walmart for wrongful death. This is wrongheaded. Who is responsible for this employees’s death, Walmart or the mob? The wrongful death suit should be brought against those who actually caused this man’s death, not Walmart. A letter to the editor in my local paper wants to see Black Friday outlawed. He like other non thinking people placed the blame on the store rather upon the true perpetrators of the crime, the mob.

Whoever is responsible for this murder will be held accountable by God on the day of judgment. No one is going to get away with anything. Hopefully, Walmart will refuse to pay anything for this lawsuit. I hope that Walmart asks the judge to dismiss this frivolous lawsuit. I hope that Black Friday continues and that what people will learn from this tragedy is to control their behavior. It was the behavior of shoppers, not the store that caused this unfortunate situation. Personal responsibility for one’s actions is the cure to this ill, not outlawing Black Friday. I hope that stupidity does not win out again.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


When man is left to himself, he becomes arrogant. An arrogant man will eventually overstep his authority. Man acts as though he is the supreme ruler over all things. Man refuses to acknowledge that he is merely a creature with limited authority. There is only so much a man can do. A man cannot know everything, cannot be everywhere all at one time, and cannot rule over all of mankind. Rather than acknowledging his limitations, he exalts himself as if he is the creator and ruler of all things. An arrogant man is also full of contempt for others.

Humility is good thing. Humbleness of mind recognizes limitations and seeks to live within established boundaries. Humility is freedom from being prideful. Arrogance, on the other hand, is bondage. Humility realizes its place, whereas arrogance knows no boundaries and will attempt the impossible. When arrogance is never checked, it will attempt to grow into absolute control. Arrogance leads to totalitarian dictatorship. Humility leads to limited government.

Man in his arrogance refuses to admit that he is a creature and not the creator. Because of his arrogance, he will act as though he has all power and control over all of creation. An example of this comes from the state of Texas. Two men where convicted of breaking a federal law which outlaws taking illegally captured or prohibited animals across state boundaries. Both of these men will serve prison time for violating this federal law.

These two men where taking deer from Minnesota to Texas for trophy hunts. What is wrong with that? Why is this against the law? The question gets down to who owns the animals of this world? Texas and Wildlife Department officials said that these two men were caught trying to bring 14 white-tailed bucks into the state. Yes, and what is the problem here? The problem is that the government says that it owns all of the animals of a particular state.

This is unbelievable. This boggles my mind. If there is a fish in the stream the government has said that it belongs to them. The government has arrogated itself into a position that I have to get permission from them to hunt or fish. This is why we have hunting and fishing licenses. On what basis does the government have this authority to say that all animals are its property? It should be obvious that the government does not own the animals of a state. They are the property of God and he has given man the authority to have dominion over His creation.

This is just another instance of the government overstepping its authority. This is because the government has set itself up as lord and master. This is what happens when man rejects the law of God. He will overstep his boundaries every time. Since man refuses to recognize any authority above him, he will fill the void with his own authority. His arrogance will also be his downfall. It is time to question all government licensing.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


For those in the know, they can see through to something that will not work. In reality, a proposal will have the opposite effect of what is proposed. The intelligence level of our elected officials is at an all time low. I do not know if elected officials have ever been blessed with intelligence. A wise politician is not something that I have ever seen in my lifetime, nor do I think that there ever will be one.

All government policies are designed to make it look as though the government is doing something. When the government should refrain from doing something that is when you can be assured that the government goes into high gear. Since most people’s thinking is characterized by what is physically visible, they see the government putting men to work and think that this is a good thing. They do not understand economics and that these government expenditures will prolong any economic recovery.

Governments do not create employment, entrepreneurs do. What the government needs to do during this period of economic crisis is to allow the market to correct itself. The government needs to sit on the sideline and ensure that contracts are enforced. The government will not do this because they are being pressured by the voters to do something, anything. So the government wants to give the impression that they are riding to the rescue.

"Obama said on Saturday he was crafting an aggressive two-year stimulus plan to revive the economy, aiming to save 2.5 million jobs by January 2011 through projects including transportation infrastructure, school modernization and alternative energy." (Yahoo News). Notice Obama’s economic policy is based upon one time projects and also on investing in non existent alternative energy.

When a bridge or a road is complete, there is no recurring work. A business that produces a product that people need employs people year after year. Government employment that Obama is proposing is a one shot project i.e. short term. Businesses creating jobs is long term. Obama’s proposals are thus designed for the immediate moment, not for the future. This means that his economic policies will not work long term. He thinks mistakenly that spending is what gets an economy going, not savings.

Obama’s economic policy will stimulate the economy in the short term but will not be sustainable long term. In other word’s, his policies are already a failure before he has been sworn in as President. Of course, he and his advisors think that they are doing what is going to work. It sounds good on the surface, but it will end up making things worse, not better. His failed economic policies will prove that intelligence and politicians are mutually exclusive terms. The two can never be merged together.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


What is the goal in life? People who have no goals just exist physically. They have no understanding as to what makes life meaningful. We are living in an age of extreme immaturity. This is because people have abandoned the family as the source of maturity. Marriage and its incumbent responsibilities has been rejected by many. The sexual revolution is an attempt to evade family responsibility. The sexual revolution has had the effect of increasing adult immaturity.

Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines immaturity as, "Not perfect; not brought to a complete state." The height of immaturity is demonstrated by homosexuals. Homosexuals are seeking to avoid the responsibilities associated with having a family that is a husband and wife with children. Raising a family means responsibility on the part of a husband and wife. Children must be provided for financially and nurtured spiritually. This requires being mature and taking responsibility. This is something that homosexuals cannot do because they cannot reproduce.

What is the goal of homosexual marriage? Since they cannot reproduce and have the responsibility of raising a family, it follows that homosexual marriage is meaningless. It serves no purpose. If it serves no purpose, homosexual marriage is abnormal and if abnormal, it would be considered to be queer. The end result of homosexual activity is death. Life can never come from a homosexual liaison, only death. A lesbian wrote an article titled "When all women become lesbians." If this were possible, the world would be depopulated within a generation. Not a very bright future.

Immaturity has been on display recently in California, where the voters approved a ban on homosexual marriage. The homosexuals have been protesting ever since. They refuse to accept the position of others. They want to force their beliefs down the throats of others. They are not mature enough to accept their defeat and seek to work to change the voter’s minds. What they will do is to try to win their victory by the only avenue available to the immature, through physical force.

They will use the court system to get their way. Their goal is to get their way because they want all the benefits of marriage. For one if homosexual marriage is allowed, then they could get a lower tax rate by being able to file married filing jointly rather than filing single. They could get medical insurance for their partners. They want all the protection of a family without the responsibility of a family. The voters of California have spoken. The homosexuals have refused to abide by this decision.

Homosexuals are nothing more or less than grown up babies. They throw fits if they cannot get their way. They may even hold their breath until they turn blue. They are wholly imperfect and until they renounce their immature ways, they can never be brought into a state of maturity. They hate the responsibility that bringing a child into this world requires. The word to the homosexual should be, it is time to quite being an immature child. Grow up and take the responsibility of a legitimate family.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


I could be accused of picking on women, especially Mary Winkler for her heinous act of cold blooded premeditated murder. The feminists would say that I am a male chauvinist and seek to disregard all contrary evidence regarding men. This accusation is incorrect because it matters little to me whether it is a male or female that commits murder. They both equally deserve the death penalty. It is the judicial travesty that I oppose that is given to particular individuals.

Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines travesty as, "to translate into such language as to render ridiculous or ludicrous." Our judicial system is no longer oriented toward justice and victim’s rights, but all the rights are given to the criminal. This is because of the notion that criminals are to be rehabilitated, not punished. The concept of restitution is wholly missing from our judicial system. If anything, the taxpayer has to make restitution for the criminal. We have a reversal of ethical cause and effect.

A recent judicial travesty was in the sentencing of Eric McLean. McLean was convicted of reckless homicide in the death of his ex-wife’s lover Sean Powell. McLean claimed that he did not intend to harm Powell when he confronted him with a gun outside his home. What was McLean thinking when he took a gun and confronted Powell, someone who was causing him emotional distress? If he did not intend to harm Powell, why did he pull the trigger? Of course, he intended to murder Powell. Even if he did not intend harm, what was the result?

While Powell was committing sin, it was not McLean’s position to do what he did. McLean should have divorced his wife rather than murdering her lover. He had other options, but he chose to take matters into his own hands. He operated outside the law and deserved the consequences of his actions which for a murderer is forfeiture of his own life. McLean is evil. It matters little that he had no previous criminal record. He now is a murderer.

His sentence given by the judge is ludicrous. The penalty is not commensurate with the heinousness of the crime. One of Powell’s relatives said that McLean is a "master manipulator." His act was an act of premeditation and he fully intended to harm Powell. McLean was given a sentence of 90 days in jail and 12 years of probation. This sentence is even worse than Mary Winkler’s. It is the most ridiculous sentence I have ever heard of for someone who has murdered someone in cold blood.

This is when you know that life is cheap when criminals, such as McLean, receive such a light sentence for such a heinous act. This is truly a travesty. Powell did not deserve to be murdered by McLean and McLean no longer deserves to live. The judge in this case has reversed ethical cause and effect. McLean forfeited his right to continuity of life and yet he is going to be released in 47 days because he has already served 43 days. This is why people have no confidence in the judicial system. The judicial system is an absurdity.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Words either mean something or they mean nothing. All words are theologically based as God is the creator of language. No matter how much the religious left tries to hide their true intent, they cannot because their use of language will betray them every time. They say one thing as a camouflage to hide what they are going to do. It is questionable whether or not they are aware of what the results of their actions.

The religious left can only think in one direction, in terms of effects. They can only deal with the visible world. This is why they are always materialists and Darwinian. To them progress is where no one has to earn a living. They think it is unfair that someone has more economic resources than someone else. To them, everyone should be equal and this means that everyone should have the same amount of money. No one should have more than anyone else.

It makes no difference to them whether or not this scheme comports to reality. They will force it by government decree to make it work. This is the only avenue open to them. They lack the ability to persuade anyone to accept their ideas because their ideas will fail unless the use of physical force is applied. Coercion is essential to those who lean to the left on any issue. They will not tell you what there policy consists of until it is too late.

The visibly oriented will seek to gain control of the government so that they can implement their failed policies. The religious left will tell you that they are motivated by compassion. It is easy to be compassionate with other people’s money. If they want to show true compassion, let them give their own money to the poor. This is not something that they are going to do. What they really want to do is level the playing field by wanting to tax the rich and give to the poor. They are motivated by envy, not compassion.

When envy becomes prevalent, there is no amount of progress possible. What the religious left is preaching is politicized envy. They resent the successful and the wealthy. They hate capitalism with all their heart. Their desire is to give the earned to those who have not earned it. What happens is that the productive of a society begin to hide their wealth and not use their wealth to expand employment opportunities for those who have less means.

If the religious left was really motivated to social justice, they would not want to tax the rich into submission. The wealthy are the ones that employ others. True progressive justice would allow the wealthy to use their wealth to expand employment opportunities. This would be progressive in the standard of living of the poor. Since the religious left supports the Democratic candidates, it is apparent that they are not motivated by compassion, but envy. They are not interested in economic progress, but their failed policies will ensure the opposite, regression.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


It is our privilege to be involved in the political process. Over the last two presidential elections, the number of voters has increased. It was reported by the Census Bureau about the 2004 election, 64% of voting age citizens voted. This represents 89% of registered voters. This means that the majority of American citizens exercised their right to vote. It will be interesting to see what the numbers for the election of 2008. The numbers will probably increase.

One of these days the electorate are going to realize that they hold the power when it comes to whom gets elected to office. Therefore, it is more important to reach the electorate than trying to take over a political party. If the majority of the electorate are reflecting truth, then the political party itself will follow suit. Elections are therefore won at the grass root level, not at the top. Most people think that the candidates control the election. They do not.

If Christians want their views expressed in the political process, then they are going to have to work within the present system. This means that Christians have to have a theory of civil law. Most Christians lack any theory of civil law because the predominate eschatology within Christianity is one that rejects any civil law theory. Therefore, by default, Christians find themselves under the law of man which is the law of idolatry.

Once the eschatology of the church changes, there will be a decided change in election results. It is more important to change the eschatology of the church than the present platform of a political party. Once the eschatology changes, the political platforms will change automatically. This process is a long term proposition, but one that is effective because it will be broad based. It is only a matter of time for this to take place because the truth will prevail over error.

Post-millennial eschatology will one day be the dominant eschatology of the church. It is only a matter of time. This eschatology has a long term view of history. This means that we have time on our side to see things change election by election. This eschatology is an eschatology of earthly hope. This eschatology will see the re-implementation of God’s law as the law of the land. There is nothing that can prevent this. This will take place through spiritual means.

Christians need to be faithful to vote and to inform themselves about issues and where the candidates stand on issues. No politician should be elected unless their positions are clearly stated. Away with this balderdash of just saying one word, "change." What is to be changed and how the does the candidate seek to effect the change? A candidate must give substance, not political slogans like "people not politics." An informed electorate will demand substance, not fluff.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


In our day and age, people say that they take responsibility for their actions when in fact, they have done nothing of the sort. This is the norm, not the exception. Listen to what people say. It tells you exactly what they were thinking and why they did what they did. People seek to mask their motives, but their words will betray them every time. The Lord Jesus said in Matthew 12:34, "O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." Whatever is in someone’s heart, it will eventually be expressed out of his mouth. This is an immutable principle.

From the high government offices to the man in the street, we hear the same refrain, I made a mistake. Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines mistake as, "To take wrong; to conceive or understand erroneously; to misunderstand or misapprehend." To be mistaken on an issue means that one has misunderstood some point that leads to an erroneous conclusion. A mistake lacks a necessary element of culpability, namely wilfulness. Someone who makes a mistake is not doing so willfully. The results may be tragic from making a mistake, such as someone dying in a car accident, but there was no intention to do wrong.

When someone knows what they are doing is wrong and they do so wilfully, then it is not a mistake. It is sin. Webster renders sin as, "The voluntary departure of a moral agent from a known rule of rectitude or duty, prescribed by God; any voluntary transgression of the divine law, or violation of divine command; a wicked act; iniquity..." Voluntary signifies wilfulness. Sin is a willful violation of law. It is the opposite of a mistake.

An example is provided by Henry Reid, formerly the chief of UCLA’s cadaver program. He sold donated body parts to medical, drug and research companies for financial gain. He pled guilty in Los Angles County Superior Court for conspiracy to commit grand theft. Reid pled guilty in a plea bargain. Reid knew that these donated body parts did not belong to him, but were donated to the university. They were not his property, but the school’s. Therefore, he profited from these sales of university property. This is a clear case of theft.

Reid’s attorney, Melvyn Sacks, tells you that his client claims to take responsibility for his action without actually taking responsibility. The newspaper article quotes Sacks as saying, "My client accepted responsibility for the mistake he made concerning his activities as director of the Willed Body Program at UCLA and is extremely remorseful about the situation. He deeply regrets the outcome of his actions."

If Reid made a mistake, this means that he did not know that what he had done was wrong, he just had some bad information for which he made a bad decision. He did not know what he was doing was wrong. There was no wilful intent on his part to commit grand theft and yet he pleads guilty to conspiracy to commit grand theft. Reid’s actions were wilful and intentional. His scheme gained about one million dollars. He was selling body parts that did not belong to him. He knew it was wrong and his actions demonstrate his wilfulness and therefore, he did not make a mistake, but committed sin.

Only if Reid had said that he committed sin would he be able to claim that he takes responsibility for his actions. It is obvious that Reid is a liar and is seeking to shirk his guiltiness. He is not alone in this regard, merely representative. He deeply regrets the outcome of his actions? No. He deeply regrets that he got caught and that he has to be sentenced for his actions. He has no remorse. He feels sorry, not for what he has done, but for himself. This is typical of our day and age.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


The whole American justice system is out of control. The wrong people are being punished. Doing good is being penalized while being a criminal is being subsidized. Most criminals are by nature lazy and foolish. The way that they support themselves is by being put in prison where they do not have to work for living, but are provided with food, shelter, and medical care. While many people cannot afford health insurance, a criminal has access to medical care which he does not have to pay a dime for. All that he has to do is get in trouble with the law and all of his needs are supplied.

Law enforcement is the only function of civil government. Taxes are to be paid to support law enforcement activities. However, the prison system is not a legitimate function of law enforcement and should be abandoned as a for of punishment. Biblical punishments are the only legitimate punishments and none of those require a prison system. When man decides to establish his own forms of punishment of criminal behavior, it will always lead to a dilemma that rewards bad behavior at the expense of law abiding citizens.

A case in point is the recent decision that federal judge Thelton Henderson made against the State of California. This judge ruled that the State of California must spend $8 billion to build seven new medical facilities for inmates. The judge was appalled by the average of an inmate a week dying from a lack of adequate medical care (as if these inmates would not have died anyway). California has a $15.2 billion budget deficit to deal with and this judge is seeking to add to that deficit for medical care for law breakers.

This is foolishness and the epitome of insanity on the part of this federal judge. He just wants to push his weight around because he thinks that he can. He wants to ensure that those who have broken the law get what many normal citizens cannot get, medical care. There is no consideration of how these facilities are going to be paid for. The State of California has two options increase taxes or borrow the money which is in effect raising taxes.

Inmates are considered slaves. They are state property and since they are wards of the state, the state must take care of their physical needs. The state has become these inmate’s parents. When the people of California go to work, they will be going to work to provide for these inmates needs. Those law abiding citizens situation, concerning their ability to provide for their own families, does not enter into the equation. Only the needs of the criminal is being considered by this federal judge.

Something is awfully wrong with this situation in California. Those in California are getting what they deserve. They have rejected God’s law and His punishments and they are therefore left with the prison system and providing medical care for lawbreakers. This is the system that the people wanted and are getting because they will not have God to reign over them. It would be nice to see the people of California protest this judge’s ruling. Their silence is nothing more than consent.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


We all laughed at the Keystone Cops. They seemed to be quite humorous because of their ineptness. All that we can do is sit back and watch the ineptness of the world’s governments as they seek to contain the widespread financial panic that they themselves caused. They are scrambling with all kinds of gimmickry hoping that the people do not panic and there is a huge bank run.

To say that the government is clueless when it comes to the way an economy works is a huge understatement. They think that they can regulate an economy by manipulating the interest rates and increasing the money supply without consequences. When it blows up on them and it will, then they seek to overcome this situation by more inflation and more easy credit. Governments never learn from their own mistakes because they are never held responsible for their gaffes.

The government always blames someone else for the mess that they caused. Most people are not bright enough to know that it is the government who causes these financial fiascos. The government is never reined in because they control the money supply and interest rates through a central bank. The central bank is used a tool of manipulation by the government. This leads to financial disaster every time.

European governments are guaranteeing depositors that their money is safe. They tell these depositors that the government will step in if necessary and insure the bank accounts. Question, where are these governments going to get the money? The options are inflate the money supply, increase taxes, or borrow the money. Any of these options only exacerbate the problem rather than solve it. Europeans are suffering from their own financial crisis caused by their own governments.

When government gets involved in areas that it should not, the bungling becomes humorous and predictable. The government causes the problem and then is called on to solve the problem that they caused. It makes sense to me. Here comes the calvary to the rescue. The government is viewed as a savior rather than a manipulator and swindler. The result of government intervention in the economy means further government controls. The government causes a crisis and then takes away more freedom from its own citizens.

The government has declared war on its own citizens. Special interest groups are pitted against each other when the government has control of the purse. The only way to get your way is to petition the government. When a government controls the economy of a nation, then freedom becomes just a word that has no meaning. What needs to be done is that the world must be put on a gold standard and money be issued privately. The government’s role in the economy should be for the enforcement of contracts. As long as the government has control of the purse, financial crisis after crisis is ensured.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


America is a land of injustice. This allows those that commit crimes to profit from their crimes. Justice is no longer the goal of law enforcement but fairness. Instead of doing what is right, people want to do what is fair. With the meaning in modern jargon fair allows for wiggle room. The original meaning has to do with being just and equitable. Righteousness is the same as straightness. Under righteousness, there is no room to wiggle around in. There are no deviations allowed because righteousness is not a respecter of persons.

When man legislates apart from righteousness, his laws will be, by definition, unrighteous. This unrighteousness will always favor lawbreakers. Lawbreakers know how to work the system. There is a case right now in Johnson City, Tennessee where a man named Howard Willis has been charged in a double murder in 2002 and six years later, he still has not been brought to trial. Since it is a death penalty case, there is a fear that a decision for death will be overturned on appeal. The criminal knows this, so he will the endless motions and appeals and will not work with his attorneys and so justice is postponed. Meanwhile, evidence can be destroyed, witnesses memories fade and there is the real possibility that the accused will be acquitted on some procedural technicality.

A good example of crime paying is in the case of Debra Cox of Johnson City, Tennessee. She has pled guilty to embezzling $269,778 from her employer. This woman stole this amount of money over a two year period. Her employers had trusted her and could not believe that she was stealing from them. Apparently, her employers were naive concerning the sinful nature. Cox would steal from her own mother.

What is most astounding about this case is that her employer owed Cox about $7,000 for unused sick, personal and vacation pay. Her employer, Watauga Orthopaedics was given legal advice that they had to pay Cox these benefits. So let’s get this straight. Cox steals $269,778 from her employer and her employer has to pay her $7,000. This is simply unbelievable. The $7,000 should have been used as a beginning of restitution payments for Cox. Cox has now been able to steal twice from her employer. She forfeited all claims to those benefits when she willingly chose to steal from her employer.

Our legal system is going to allow Cox to steal from the taxpayers next. She is facing jail time. Question, why do the taxpayers have to pay for her care? Biblically, she should have to make, at the least, double restitution to her former employer. She should not be put into jail but should have to work and pay back her victim. Putting her in jail accomplishes nothing but the wasting of limited law enforcement resources. The Cox and Willis cases proves beyond a shadow of doubt that crime pays in America.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


It is astounding the audacity of some people. There is no shame among men. Instead of being humbled by their actions, they respond with arrogance. When man has the ability to make laws, he will always seek to be himself exempt from those same laws. He thinks because he makes laws, that he is above those laws. He does not want to be held accountable for his actions. Everyone else is subject but he considers himself as a sovereign.

This fact happens repeatedly within the political realm of this nation. Their names are legion of politicians who have been caught breaking the law and yet, instead of trying to reform their behavior, they refuse to acknowledge that they have done anything wrong. Instead, they blame others saying that there is a conspiracy out to get them. They will not admit any guilt. They seek to put the guilt on others.
An example is Representative Charles Rangel, Democrat from New York. Rangel is going to pay back taxes of thousands of dollars for unreported rental income on a vacation home that he owns. What makes this situation interesting is that Rangle is the chairman of a tax writing committee. He has oversight of the tax code and yet, he has broken this code by not reporting income. If he knowingly did not report this rental income, then he is guilty of tax evasion. How can someone ethically write tax code and yet evade it at the same time?

Rangel is also under fire for other issues of his finances. As is predictable, Rangel refuses to take responsibility for his actions. Rangel’s lawyer, Lanny Davis said "he (Rangel) will not give up the chairmanship." This demonstrates Rangel’s arrogance. He can break the tax law and yet he still wants to be able to write the tax code. This violates the principle of having clean hands. Rangel’s hands are stained with hypocrisy. He wants us to conform to the tax regulations but he exempts himself.

Davis went on to say, "Mr. Boehner’s (Republican Minority Leader) hyper-partisan attack on an honorable man, Charles Rangel, is completely contrary to the spirit of bipartisanship." What does paying back taxes on unreported rental income have to do with bipartisanship? This is an attempt by Rangel to avoid the issue of his behavior. He does not want to be held accountable for his actions. He believes that he is above the law and that we all are fools.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Everyday that goes by history is being written. What is being written is the failure of man to avert crisis. Man has rejected God’s law and seeks to establish his own law which has led to one crisis after another and yet man thinks that the civil government will somehow solve the very problems that they have caused. This is because the populace of this country do not understand the law of cause and effect.

The law of cause and effect is a spiritual construct and when your thinking consists of the visible moment, you will not be able to predict the consequences of your actions and so it goes on and on. Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary’s second definition of the word crisis is "The decisive state of things, or the point of time when an affair is arrived to the height, and must soon terminate or suffer a material change."

Crisis management is the normal situation under man’s rule. Each day brings the new crisis and tomorrow there will be another one. An example is the Big Three Automakers asking the government for $50 billion in low interest loans. The reason that these Automakers are going to the government is because no bank has the ability or wants to loan the Automakers that amount of money. Also, investors will be unwilling to purchase any bonds (debt) issued by the Automakers. Thus, they appeal to the government for protection from competition.

Instead of keeping up with the trends i.e,. rise in gas prices, Detroit continued to put out gas guzzlers and now they are suffering the consequences. Of course, the government has had a hand to play in this situation with their regulations against domestic drilling and not building new refineries. These decisions which were made many years ago are now having a dramatic effect upon this nation’s ability to compete. After the fact, Detroit is seeking to adjust to market conditions with taxpayer money.

To avert financial turmoil, the government has taken control of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This is a contradiction of terms. The one that caused the present mortgage crisis is the one that is now taking control and the market system will be blamed for the failure. By offering easy debt (credit) with artificially low interest rates, people borrowed money that they could not repay. The Federal Reserve kept cutting the interest rates until they were at 1%. This enabled people who were poor credit risks to obtain loans and the greed of mortgage brokers working on commission resulted in this financial meltdown.

All of this is predictable because of the issuance of paper money. Bad money drives out good money and bad loans drive out good ones. The market can determine the rates of interest better than the Federal Government can. All that the Federal Government can do is what they are best at doing creating another crisis with the taxpayers bailing out bankrupt companies. It is just tha matter of time before the next crisis hits. The civil government never learns from history.

Sunday, August 31, 2008


No one in this world can live without having an opinion on something. The question becomes whether our opinion is correct or not. To have a correct opinion means having a standard that is correct. This means God’s law. It is the only standard that is straight and correct. By definition, everything else is crooked and incorrect. When man rejects God’s law, he becomes an idolater and his opinion becomes to what he believes is the best course of action.

Pragmatism recognizes no supreme law. The law is whatever someone wants it to be at the time or circumstances. The pragmatist does nothing based upon principle because principles are spiritual. To the pragmatist all truths are the same. Two conflicting opinions are both valid. Circumstances determine which opinion to follow, not unchanging principles. The pragmatist does not believe in absolutes but will use absolutes, if he can gain an advantage from it.

Such is the case with John McCain. He is the consummate pragmatist. McCain’s pragmatism is clear in his choice for Vice President, Sarah Palin. McCain does not appeal to the conservatives and Christian base of the Republican Party. This is because he is more of a Democrat than Republican policy wise. He knew that his running mate needed to be someone who had strong Christian and conservative values.

Sarah Palin’s values are anti-abortion and pro-gun. She believes that evolution should not be taught in the government schools. She believes in creation. While these beliefs are important, her beliefsare not why I am disappointed with McCain’s choice. When I heard who he had chose, I felt completely let down and was mildly disgusted. I know that McCain’s decision is totally pragmatic and this decision just confirms what should have been apparent from the beginning. A tiger cannot change its stripes.

McCain is trying to make himself something that he is not, palatable to the conservatives who are the most important members of the Republican Party. The headline from the POLITICO reads, "Palin electrifies conservative base." This is predictable because most people are not principle based in their thinking, but visibly motivated. She does not electrify me at all. I will vote and I vote according to principle, not based upon the person running for office.

The reason why I oppose McCain’s choice is that a woman is not to have authority over a man. Anyone who is familiar with the Bible knows that the man is head in the family and bishops are men who are assigned to rule in the Church. Since God created the world and He is sovereign and he assigned men the responsibility of being ruler under Him, then men should also be rulers in the civil government, not women. This is not a woman’s place.

The argument comes from exceptions in the Bible where women were given rulership in extraordinary situations, usually from a lack of male leadership. Exceptions are not the rule, they just prove the rule. We are to follow rules, not exceptions. Isaiah 3:12 sums up the fact that we are in a time devoid of true spiritual leadership, "As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths."

Sunday, August 24, 2008


The civil government in America has gained dictatorial power. There is almost nothing that the government has not legislated against. People in this country claim that we are free without understanding what true freedom is. You know that you are living in Orwellian doublespeak when people call slavery, freedom. The reason for this is simple because the idea of freedom is spiritually connoted and most people equate freedom with physical freedom. In other words, they are not in a gulag so they must be free.

Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines freedom as, "A state of exemption from the power or control of another; liberty; exemption from slavery, servitude or confinement." By this definition, it is clear that there is very little if any freedom in the United States. The government is involved in all facets of life and continues to seek to gain even more control of the citizenry. The only way that the government is able to do this is because the vast majority of the population do not think in spiritual terms. They do not realize how enslaved they are.

There are many ways the government controls us without putting us in a gulag. Just the threat of coercion is enough to cow most people into obedience. There are a few that will rebel against the system. In the United States, education is compulsory. It is a criminal offense not to send children to the government indoctrination centers. These schools are paid for by coercion. The taxpayers are forced to pay for these schools, whether they want to or not, even if they do not have or never have had children in this system. This is not freedom. Only recently has there been the availability of education choice but even if someone educates privately, their taxes still go to fund the government schools.

The state of Texas is reintroducing visible slavery. Courts in Texas have the power to put ankle bracelets with Global Positioning Systems that will monitor the whereabouts of truant students. Truant students obviously do not want to be in these schools and yet the government is going to force them to be there no matter what. In an Associated Press article, Linda Penn, a Bexar County justice of peace is quoted as saying, "Students and parents must understand that attending school is not optional. When they fail to attend school, they are breaking the law."

Children are forced by law to go to school and parents can be held criminally liable for not sending their children there. Is this freedom? Parents and children are not free because they are not exempt from the control of others. The rebels against this coercive system will now be visibly enslaved. The truants will now be shackled and for what? What sin is it if someone does not know how to read or to do basic math? Is it evil not to be able to read and write?

The answer to these questions is that the mandatory attendance laws of the government school system are anti-laws. These laws define something as being evil that is not evil. Penn’s concern is "We are at a critical point in our time where we can either educate or incarcerate." The only way that these school systems can get anyone to obey them is through the use of physical force. They educate using the same system. Is it any wonder that there are those who cannot read their diploma when they graduate from this prison system.

Since government education is coercive it makes the schools, for all intents and purposes, prison systems and the students wards of the state. Is this freedom? This systems makes parents, non-parents. The government has all the parental authority and the real parents are there just to financially support their children for the government. This is a reversal of the roles and yet if you ask the parents are they free, they will answer with a resounding, "We are free."

Unfortunately, I have to explain my position about education because dolts will say that I am opposed to education and that I believe every one should be ignorant. All one has to do is look at the failure of the government school system to see where real ignorance comes from. Education is spiritual. Therefore, it can never be taught coercively. Education is and will always be a private matter. When education becomes totally private, then it can be said that there is educational freedom. Children should be educated and this is the responsibility of parents, not the government.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


We live in a day and age where the main level of thinking is based upon the visible world. There are people out there who actually believe that there are free lunches. Because they do not see where the money comes from, they automatically assume that it cost nothing. It is beyond their mental capabilities to understand that there are no free lunches. If someone takes me to lunch and pays for it, it is free to me but the person who took me to lunch had to spend his money.

We are also living in a day and time when people want the unearned. Because of being indulged, we live in a time of laziness. People do not want to work for what they possess. They want the government to provide for their needs rather than working for it. So they vote to have the productive taxed and give to those who did not earn it. It used to be a shame to receive public assistance. Not anymore. It is now treated as one’s birthright.

Man can never successfully circumvent economic law because economic law has been predetermined. Man will forever beat his head against these predetermined laws in hope that he can make them go away and he will be free to do whatever he desires to do. It has been attempted many times and man has failed miserably every time and in every place. Yet, man continues on as if there is no economic law.

One thing about man’s law is that it shows a respect of persons. God’s law, on the other hand, is not a respecter of persons. An Associated Press article had the following headline, "Free cell phones offered to low-income Tenn. residents." To qualify for these free cell phones one has to meet certain income guidelines. In other words, an individual would have to be in government determined poverty or receive governmental assistance from Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income.

This program is called SafeLink Wireless. TracFone Wireless Inc. is providing this service. The recipients receive a cell phone with access to 911 emergency services and 68 minutes of free air time. The reason that TracFone is involved is because the government is subsidizing the program for $10 per recipient. The company will provide the other $3.50. The total estimated amount of those qualifying for this program is 800,000. This means that the taxpayers are saddled with a tax payment of $8,000,000. This service is free to those who did not earn it. The taxpayers pick up the tab. In other words, the government steals from the productive and gives it to the undeserving.

The reasoning behind this welfare program is so that these undeserving people can supposedly make a call in case of an emergency. This sounds good on the surface. However, those in favor of this program never stop to think that there are reasons that poor people do not have cell phones other than their cost. Some of these people would not know how to operate a cell phone even if you give them a free one and instructed them how to use it. How many of these people are going to carry their cell phones with them at all times? How often are these people going to have an emergency that warrants giving them a cell phone?

This is just another example of the government seeking to gain control over people’s lives by the way of man’s law. People do not deserve a cell phone. It is not an inherent right. If poor people need a cell phone, let them pay for it with their own funds and not with taxpayer money. Some of us are sick of these asinine government welfare programs. The world owes no one a living. We have to earn our way through life. Once again, there are no free lunches. Let them pay for their own cell phones.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Some things need to change. When you follow man’s law, you get man’s results which are always flawed. To say that man lacks omniscience is a huge understatement and yet man never considers the consequences of his actions long term. He is only concerned about the immediate moment. It is true that we are all going to die someday but that may not be for quite a few years from now. The future has to be considered when making our decisions.

The most dangerous times in America are election times. This is when the have nots (the lazy and unproductive) get to stick it to their productive neighbors. Voters are about voting themselves a living. Elections are about the voters getting their share of the unearned. Elections are about the breaking of the Tenth Commandment which forbids the coveting our neighbor’s possessions. The electorate see what their neighbors have and then vote to get their neighbor’s property.

When God’s law is rejected, then man’s law fills the void and man’s law will vote in envy every time. The majority of voter’s in Elizabethton, Tennessee have voted a sales tax increase from 9.25% to 9.75%, with the increase going to fund the public school system. This means that anyone who purchases any goods will have to pay more money. This will leave the purchasers with less money to spend on other goods.

The reasoning behind this sales tax increase was that it was for the children. Whose children? What if the taxpayers of this municipality did not have any children? Why should they have to support other peoples children’s education? They have to because the insane voters decided to covet their neighbors possessions. Breaking God’s law is the consequence of voting for man’s law. Whose obligation is it to pay for your children’s education? It is the parents and the parents responsibility alone. This is how it is to be according to Biblical law.

Parents are solely responsible for the support and raising of their own children, not for their neighbor’s children. The voters have taken away the authority of the family to use the money they have earned for the support of their own children. Following God’s law leads to people minding their own business and taking care of their own responsibilities. Man’s law leads to the exact opposite result. Under man’s law you get your neighbor to take care of your responsibilities.

God’s law will result in a limited decentralized government. Man’s law results in a huge centralized government. In Elizabethon, the government has increased its control over the population and it is a result of the voters giving them that authority. In Washington County, the local government put a sales tax increase to a vote. It was defeated resoundingly. What we need is not more government and taxes, but less. This can only happen when the electorate is educated in God’s law. Following God’s law will mean the rejection of man’s law and it its resulting insanity.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


It should be apparent to all that care to look below the surface of a matter that the media are apologists for evil. You will never find them condemning anyone for their evil acts no matter how heinous. They will, however, bash anyone that is doing anything that is positive and productive. They are forever bashing big oil for bringing their product to market. They never miss an opportunity to report that Exxon Mobil had another record amount of sales last quarter. This is true because of the present price of gasoline. The media reports this with the intent of saying that big oil is gouging the consumer because of record sales.

The media is concrete bound. They report only on what they see with their physical eyes. They do not understand concepts because of their arrested mental capabilities. When the media reports anything, it demonstrates their unconfessed bias. They will tell you that they only report the news without any agenda attached. Nothing can be further from the truth. The media is out to destroy anything good and holy and to lift up any despicable thing and any type of degradation as the norm. Their examples are almost always of those who are failures and they seek to make these failures as representatives of reality.

Knowing this up front makes the agenda of the media all the more transparent. It is easy to see through to their true intent. They may seek to disguise it but it is apparent to all who seek to use their mind. An Associated Press article regarding the Anthrax murderer Bruce Ivins is representative. The article reports, "The brilliant but troubled scientist committed suicide this week, knowing prosecutors were closing in." The reporter’s choice of words is what is disturbing. It is a poor choice that demonstrates that the reporter is seeking to evade making any judgment upon Ivins.

It is not as though the reporter was successful. He still made a judgement about Ivins by his wording. He was saying that Ivins was splendid and shining as a scientist but he was also disturbed. In reality, Ivins was a homicidal maniac. He was in no way brilliant. Brilliance belongs to achievers, not murderers. He achieved nothing but death for five individuals. Every good that he did is completely overshadowed by his murderous actions. Ivins deserves condemnation, not accolades. This is something the media refuses to do. By refusing to condemn Ivins’ actions, they are by default condoning them. There is no neutrality.

Further, Ivins is arrogant and a coward. He refused to be held accountable for his actions, so he took his own life. His choice of poisoning his victims demonstrates that he was an extremely detached and impersonal. He did not have the courage to face his victims directly. He chose to use an impersonal means of poison. He was a true terrorist. What is not good is that he worked for the government. Ivins has provided ammunition for the conspiratorial lunatics that the government is behind all disasters.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Living in an irrational age is a tough proposition and yet, daily we are faced with this situation. We are taught to treat each individual the same regardless of their moral character. We are indoctrinated with the idea that there is no difference between good and evil. We must not make any value judgments about anyone. We hear the scripture taken out of context in Matthew 7:1, "Judge not, lest ye be judged."

Having a wrong emphasis will result in wrong consequences. Instead of receiving punishment as a criminal, criminals are treated as victims. They are coddled and given more rights than those who do not break the law. Most criminals are lazy and by putting them in prison only contributes to their laziness. They are given access to medical care that they could not afford on the outside because they could not pay for it. It pays to be criminal. The government will make sure that you are well taken care of without having to pay for anything. For those who hate to work, this is an ideal situation. It is rewarding criminal behavior.

A woman named Sonya Phillips, who was awaiting trial for the death of her child, died on December 8, 2000 for what medical examiners say was untreated diabetes. A Federal Appeals Court has ruled that correctional officers at Roane County Jail (TN), a doctor and a paramedic employed at the County Jail can he held liable for Phillips death. What is this decision saying to those who did not murder their own child like Phillips did? Phillips new born baby was found wrapped in plastic in a wooded area and she was charged with first degree murder.

The question is should these law enforcement personnel, doctor, and paramedic be held liable for Phillips’ death and if so on what basis? The Court said that these personnel were aware of Phillips’ deteriorating condition for two weeks prior to her demise. The Court said that their failure to take her to a hospital was intentional apathy to her medical condition. Did Phillips have untreated diabetes prior to her arrest and whose responsibility was it to seek treatment prior to her arrest if she had diabetes?

How can the Court rule with certainty that even if Phillips was taken to a hospital that she would not have died because the diabetes was at such an advanced stage? While it is unfortunate that Phillips died before she could be tried for her heinous act of murdering her own child, the Roane County Jail personnel should not be held liable for her death. She had a pre-existing medical condition that she did nothing about when she was not in custody. This situation would never had occurred had Phillips not murdered her own child.

The result of this decision will end up bankrupting small counties like Roane County. To protect themselves from liability, all prisoners who have a sniffle will be taken to the hospital to make sure that they do not die of some pre-existing condition that they did not take care of on their own. Recruiting for law enforcement personnel and doctors and paramedics will be much more difficult. No one wants to be held responsible for someone’s death that they had no hand in contributing to. Court rulings have consequences. Beware!

Saturday, July 19, 2008


We have probably always lived in an age when our supposed intellectuals and leaders demonstrate not intelligence but the opposite. Intellectuals are at root anti-intellectual. Intellect is a function of the spirit and most of our so called intellectuals are spiritually dead. Being spiritually dead allows them only one avenue of thinking, the carnal mind or sense based thinking especially the sense of sight.

The use of language is designed to express ideas and give meaning to our existence. However, the language used by the intellectuals consists of words without meaning and context. They themselves do not know what the words they use mean. Intellectual’s ideas, when put into practice, always give the opposite effect of what was originally intended. This is because intellectuals do not understand the law of cause and effect because this law is spiritually apprehended.

Much has been said about using alternative energy sources but alternative energy sources are never defined. Much ado has been made of wind and solar energy in recent days. Let it be known that I am not against developing wind and solar as sources of electricity, as long as the financing comes solely from private sources. No government funds should be allowed to develop our energy sources. It matters little to me what the source of electricity is as long as I have electrical power.

Until wind and solar energy can be produced at a lower cost than coal, then coal needs to be the primary source of electric power. Nuclear is also a reliable and proven source of electric power. When looking for energy sources, they must be proven and reliable. We do not need boondoggles but dependability in our energy sources. Also, until something is better and less costly than petroleum for the running of our cars, then we need to increase the supply of oil. I am all for alternatives when they are needed and sustainable and right now alternative energy sources are not necessary.

Our whole economic infrastructure is built upon the use of fossil fuels. To do what Al Gore is proposing using carbon free energy within a decade is absolute lunacy. The first thing that has to be understood about Al Gore is that he is an idolater. He worships the creation and not the Creator. He has built a religion called global warming. He says that our use of fossil fuels is causing a disaster that is going to be cataclysmic. He has made carbon our enemy rather than what it has been our economic friend.

God created the world good and therefore carbon is good when used in its proper form such as for power. Carbon has raised the standard of living of people from mere subsistence to untold capital wealth. We have an economic abundance because of carbon and Al Gore wants to take this wealth from us and have us return to a primitive lifestyle. He would rather have us riding around on bicycles instead of automobiles.

Al Gore should be declared economically insane because that is what he is. He does not live in the real world. His is a fantasy world of the worst kind and he wants to make his fantasy a reality. The only way that he can pull off this feat is at the end of a gun. He wants government to force people to accept his asinine ideas. The only way that the government can do this is by fascism or communism. In America, communism will be resisted to death, but since we already have a fascist system of government, government controls and taxes will be increased.

We do not need Al Gore nor his religion. His religion is false. This man is mad. He is not in anyway intelligent. His religion should be changed from global warming to global stupidity. Fortunately, there is more of an awareness in exposing these dangerous ideas. The media, of course, hails Al Gore as a visionary. He is a visionary alright but of the worst economic nightmare possible. Al Gore’s vision is of a jackboot in your face accepting carbon free energy.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Anytime that you have an election, the politicians scramble to get voted into office. They will say anything and do almost anything to get elected. Once they are elected they will fall back upon what they were before the election. As Solomon wisely said, "There is nothing new under the sun." A politician is always a politician. They will flip flop on the issues prior to the election. Do not think that they have changed their original positions for they have not.

Words are cheap when spoken without values. When someone is not led by principles but pragmatism, their words mean absolutely nothing. This is because the politician is not going to do anything that he promised. Honesty is a value and it is almost non existent among politicians. This is because to the pragmatist there is no difference between honesty and dishonesty. They are both the same in his mind even though each of these have different effects.

One politician has said "Politics is the art of compromise." What does this mean? For this politician it means "you go along to get along." This is a man who has no principles which he would defend to the death. This is the kind of politician that would sell out your life, just so he can get along with the other politicians. The only individuals that a politician seeks to impress is other politicians. They want to be accepted by the group, so they will do nothing that will rock the proverbial boat.

There are many politicians that say that they are Pro-Life but how many of them have called for the death penalty for abortion doctors and their murderous accomplices, women seeking abortions? No, they compromise by saying that they are against abortion except in case of the life of the mother. What they have to know but disregard is that the bridge for abortion is the exception clause of the life of the mother. While they claim Pro-Life, their compromise allows for abortion on demand because all a woman has to get the abortion doctors to say is that this abortion was performed to save the life of the mother.

Abortion on demand will remain the law of the land until politicians will get serious and demand the death penalty be imposed on the parties involved. This is not going to happen with political pragmatism. Until politicians become principled, all of their words are devoid of any meaning. When was the last time a politician told the truth? When was the last time a politician told you exactly what he believed?

The reason that the politicians can get away with being pragmatic is because the electorate is pragmatic. The established religion of America is pragmatism. The received faith has been taught in the established church of America, the public school system. The public school system is officially pragmatic. Where were our politicians educated? Why does it strike us as odd that politicians will flip flop during elections? Once they are elected, they will be what they have always been, pragmatic. This is bad news for everyone.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Day by day and year by year, we are losing our liberty. Our governments are determined to run all of our lives. There is nothing the government does not desire to control and yet there is no outcry from the people. This is because they are getting what they wanted. They were educated in the government schools and have been conditioned to accept, without question or reservation, any crazy law the legislature passes.

The government operates by degrees. They have not taken our liberties wholesale but slowly, one by one. It is a slow terminal death. Make no mistake about it, the government will not stop until they are totalitarian. Once they begin down this road, there is no area of life that the government will not seek to regulate. Government regulations are massive. An example is the Tax Regulations. The Tax Code is contained in two massive books. The Tax Regulations are five times that number. The government is determined to leave no stone unturned.

When the citizens have a new liberty, the government is going to find a way to regulate it. The cell phone is a technological marvel. An individual can take his phone with him wherever he goes. He is reachable wherever he is. Now an individual does not miss any calls. Important calls can be answered immediately and decisions made quickly. In emergency situations, the cell phone can be the difference between life and death.

This freedom is too much for the government to bear. They had to find some reason to regulate its use. They found their solution in public safety. The government in Washington state has passed a law making it illegal to operate a vehicle and talk on a hand held cell phone. This is the government telling its citizens what they can and cannot do in their own vehicles. What should happen is that the driver bears the responsibility should they have an accident while talking on a hand held cell phone just like any other accident.

Accidents happen for a majority of reasons. Someone can have an accident while changing radio stations, or drinking a cup of coffee, or a woman putting on her make-up, or someone reading a newspaper. In these examples, an accident is an accident regardless of the cause. Every possible situation cannot possibly be legislated against. In other words, there are going to be accidents no matter how many laws the legislature passes.

Here is the real telling issue about this Washington State Cell Phone Law. According to the Associated Press article, "In 2007, there were more than 141,000 collisions in Washington state, and reports on 158 of them listed "operating" a hand-held device–such as a cell phone or an MP3 player–as a contributing factor, according to the state patrol." These 158 accidents are .0011 percent. Hardly a major factor in accidents in Washington state. This law was passed, not for public safety, but for control by the state government over its citizens.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Totalitarians want to disarm the citizenry so that the government will have total control. Most gun control legislation has this thought in mind. As someone has so aptly said 911 is dial a prayer. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows that law enforcement cannot be everywhere all at one time. Law enforcement suffers from a lack of omnipresence. Each of us possesses the inalienable right to self defense. No individual has the right to take my life and property from me without due process of law and then only when I have done something wrong.

The deathocrat party is behind gun control laws. They somehow think that guns murder people. It never dawns on them that people with guns murder people. A gun is neutral because it is inanimate. A gun cannot shoot itself. A gun only becomes animate when a person uses it. A gun is then an extension of an animate being. In the mind of a deathocrat, if you get rid of guns, all gun crimes will cease. They do not look to the cause, but the effect. This is because the cause is subjective and the effect is objective.

The deathocrat cannot see into the heart of man, the source of all murder, but they can see with their physical eyes the gun. So they pass legislation against the effect, while ignoring the cause. The deathocrat will be vehemently opposed to the death penalty for murderers who are found guilty in a court of law. What they do not realize is that all guns could be destroyed and man would still murder. This is because murder is in the heart of man, not in the inanimate gun.

The Supreme Court affirmed the right of citizens to use guns for self-defense in a recent court
decision. All that they have done was affirm what was given to us by God in Exodus 22:2. Whether the Supreme Court substantiated the Second Amendment of the Constitution or not, we still possess the right of self defense because God has so legislated it. It is natural for us to want to defend ourselves against attacks and a gun is a good equalizer.

What the deathocrats do not realize is that no matter how many gun regulation laws that are passed, it will not deter criminals using guns. They are not going to go and register guns. They will get their weapons from the black market. What happens when you have a heavily regulated gun market, a black market for guns will naturally spring up. Criminals will ignore any regulations that are passed. They are outlaws.

What needs to be done is to recognize that men with evil hearts are going to do evil things. A good deterrent against criminal behavior is an armed citizenry. A nighttime burglar would have to think twice about trying to rob homes, if he knew that every home has a citizen who is armed and will shoot to kill any nighttime intruder. Self-defense is an inherent right of all the world’s citizens. God has so ordained it. Criminals beware.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


We live in a world of two opposing sides to most issues. There are those who understand the issue conceptually and there are those who only go by what they see with their physical eyes, that lack understanding of the issue. However, it is the second view that seems to predominate on most issues. This is because most people do not want to have to think through an issue. They think that if someone wants to do something, let them do it. As long as it does not effect my life, I don’t care is their attitude.

What these people do not realize is that someday, it may be them in a particular situation and they would have voted away their rights and someone else will make their decisions for them. According to an Associated Press article, there is an ballot initiative called the "Washington Death with Dignity Initiative" that is designed to allow a supposed terminally ill person to end their life at their own hands. This is "setting up a fiercely fought and emotional campaign."

Those behind this ballot initiative are relying on emotion to carry the day. This is all that they have because intellectually, they cannot defend their position. They are relying on people looking with their physical eyes at some terminally ill person and seeing them suffering pain and concluding that no one should have to suffer like this. They are relying on the word dignity, but the word dignity does not go with what is really occurring in this situation.

Let us define what kind of death is being proposed with this initiative. For a patient to be allowed to obtain lethal drugs for ending their own lives, "two doctors would have to agree on the diagnosis of a terminal disease–giving the patient six months or less to live–and declare that the patient is competent, is acting voluntarily, and has made an informed decision." No one would be making an informed decision because the patient is not being given all the necessary information in which to make the right decision.

If the patient obtains lethal drugs and ends their lives, they have committed suicide. Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines suicide as, "Self-murder; the act of designedly destroying one’s own life. To constitute suicide, the person must be of years of discretion and of sound mind." Self-murder is murder and is a crime. Worse of all, it is a sin and when successful cannot be repented of and therefore, the actor will spend eternity in the lake of fire.

The word dignity is being used as a cloak to hide the heinousness of the act of self-murder. Webster renders dignity as, "True honor; nobleness or elevation of mind, consisting in a high sense of propriety, truth and justice, with an abhorrence of mean and sinful actions...This dignity is based on moral rectitude; all vice is incompatible with true dignity of mind. The man who deliberately injures another, whether male or female, has no true dignity of soul."

Based on this definition of dignity, how can self-murder be made a dignified act? Self-murder is sinful and therefore cannot be dignified. Suicide is a cowardly act. How can one be a coward and have true honor, nobleness or elevation of mind? Supporters of this horrible initiative will not define their terms. They have to rely on pure emotion and if this initiative passes, it will be not death with dignity, but death to dignity.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Being brazen is in, displaying shame is the new taboo. To be brazen is to be impudent. Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines impudent as, "Wanting prudence or discretion; indiscrete; injudicious; not attentive to the consequences of words or actions; rash; heedless. The imprudent man often laments his mistakes, and then repeats them." The brazen man is one who acts without any forethought. When the consequences of his actions turn against him, then he wants to blame his actions on someone else. The brazen will never take responsibility for their actions.

Webster renders shame as, "A painful sensation excited by a consciousness of guilt, or of having done something which injures reputation; or by the exposure of that which nature or modesty prompts us to conceal. Shame is particularly exited by the disclosure of actions which, in the view of men, are mean and degrading. Hence it is often or always manifested by a downcast look or by blushes, called confusion of faces." Shame should cause a man to discontinue a degrading situation.

The audacity of some is beyond words. A recent example has occurred in Ontario where thousands of compulsive gamblers have filed a $3.5 billion class action lawsuit. This lawsuit is being filed against provincially (government) run casinos. The crux of the issue is that these compulsive gamblers had signed up for a program that denied them entry into the casinos and that they had been allowed in.

These compulsive gamblers will not control their gambling. By signing up for this self imposed ban, they were hoping to shift responsibility for their actions from themselves to the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation. Instead of staying out of the casinos, they subjected themselves to arrest for trespassing. They now want to be able to profit for breaking the law. This is as brazen as it gets.

These gamblers have no conscience. Instead of being shamed by their degrading actions, they continue to repeat them. They refuse to govern themselves. If you do not govern yourself, someone else must do it for you. They want to blame the government for their failure to control themselves. They cannot and will not accept responsibility. This lawsuit is wholly illogical. It is frivolous to the core.

What needs to happen here is that these gamblers need to be arrested for trespassing and appropriate penalties imposed and the lawsuit thrown out. Then what needs to happen is the government of Ontario needs to get out of the gambling business. All casinos need to be shut down. The government of Ontario is getting what they deserve. Gambling will forever attract those who do things to excess. Government sponsored gambling will foster gambling addiction. Gamble responsibly is a worthless slogan.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


It is amazing that the state that the Puritans founded, and then instituted God’s law in is now devoid of any godliness. Beginning with the Supreme Court of Massachusetts mandating queer marriage to the state government mandating that those who can afford health insurance must purchase a policy or face being fined. The government of Massachusetts is taking away the individual’s freedom of choice.

Health care is an economic good. Health care is subject to the market. This means the law of supply and demand. If someone wants to have health insurance, this is an individual decision and it should not be a government coerced one. Individuals in Massachusetts are forced to buy a policy, possibly against their will. This is not a voluntary but an involuntary system. This is another example where there needs to be separation of economics from the government.

Recently, the Associated Press ran an article titled "5 Percent Still Without Health Ins." A quote from this article reads, "Five percent of Massachusetts taxpayers failed to obtain health coverage in 2007, and more than half of those, about 97,000, were forced to forfeit their personal exemption, worth $219, after it was determined they could have afforded health care."
If an individual did not earn enough money, they are not required to purchase health insurance.
This law is discriminatory against those who earn more than the government established
threshold. I guess the government needs to pass a law that says that one cannot be discriminated against because he makes a lot of money. Notice the coercion regarding the 97,000 that had to forfeit their personal exemption. The quote uses the word "forced." Being forced to do something means that it is against an individual’s will. This is what a government does, it uses its power of coercion. The individual’s freedom of choice has been taken away from him.

The fact that 95% complied with the law shows that citizen’s of the state of Massachusetts are not going to resist this law. They apparently do not care about their individual freedom of choice being stripped from them. The state of Massachusetts is a fascist state. The government will do whatever it wants because in the fascist state there are no absolutes other than the government doing absolutely as it pleases. The state of Massachusetts alone thinks it is sovereign.

Saturday, May 31, 2008


It is time to get serious about cutting back the size of government. This can only take place when the functions of government are accurately defined. What the government has done is to be vague about the functions that they should be involved in. The one thing that they have done is to define all areas as political. This means that they get to control all facets of a nation. Their tentacles reach everywhere.

The government knows the best way to control its citizens is through the school system. To do this they must get the parents to give up control of their children. The government can do this very easily because they possess the power of coercion. Each state has its laws governing education. The Federal Government has the Department of Education. The only way to rein in the government is to have a change in the law concerning education.

There are those who have taken the bold step and have taken the responsibility of education away from the government. They should be commended for their efforts in limiting the size of the government. While most may not understand the implications involved in home schooling, one effect is that the school system is not receiving any government payments for their children. It is quite clear the more children that are home schooled, the less the citizens will have to pay in taxes.

People, however, are not interested in having their taxes lowered. They may complain about their rising property taxes, but this is the extent of their actions. Here is a shocker, the Washington County, Tennessee school system needs more money. When the school’s director proposed their original budget, the school system was $1.8 million out of balance. They were able to cut approximately $1.2 million, but still had a shortfall of $665,000.

The school’s director Ron Dykes has said that he cannot make anymore cuts without it affecting the quality of education in Washington County. His statement is totally fallacious. Let him define quality of education. Since quality and education are spiritual terms, he cannot quantify them in anyway. The commissioners of Washington County are easily duped by the term quality of education. They, like Dykes, have the same operating principles. They think in anti-conceptual terms.

Rather than doing the right thing by cutting more positions to balance the budget, Dykes has convinced the commission (this was not hard to do) to pass a property tax increase of $.16. At present, the tax rate is $2.35 per $100 of assessed property value. This makes the rate $2.51 per $100. If someone has a $100,000 assessment, this means that they will pay an additional $160 in property taxes. This is on top of rising prices for all commodities.

It is time to abolish the property tax. If people want their children educated, let them pay for it. What lawful right does the government have to take money from someone that does not have children in the school system? Our citizenry have contributed to the growing government control because they do not want the responsibility of raising their own children. They prefer to let the government raise them. They will pay for it too. Next year, the school system will ask for more money. Some things in life are predictable.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Barbara Kramer is economically challenged. Her thinking is perceptually based. Equal work for equal pay is anti-conceptual. It is undefinable. She is a feminist. Feminists are elitists and it is the poorer women who suffer from feminism (single mothers). Feminists resent being women. They do not like their station in life.

Kramer seeks to evade market realities. First, men do not get pregnant. Employers know that if they hire a woman (child bearing years), she may get pregnant and have to take time off from work. Second, most women’s income will be supplemental to their husbands. In other words, she will work for less money. It is women accepting lower pay that has caused the pay discrepancy.

The question is who should determine how much someone is paid? There are two options, the market or the government. Kramer resents reality (the market) determining her pay. She wants the government to determine how much people get paid. This can only be accomplished at the end of a gun.

If this Fair Pay Bill gets passed, two things will result. First, unemployment will rise among women. Kramer resents that the market discriminates. Second, there will be no incentive to produce because no matter how much you produce, your pay has been determined by the government, not the market. This means the market will become a place of mediocrity, not excellence.

The Fair Pay Bill would have the opposite result of what is intended. This is because of it being based upon a falsity of economic equality. The market is a place of inequality. People have different abilities and we benefit from these inequalities. Congratulations Senators Cocker and Alexander, you should be commended for looking out for our best interests.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Many questions in life need to be answered. Every good salesman knows that when a potential customer gives a reason why he will not buy a product, the reason given is not the real reason. There is something that is deeper. A good salesman will dig deeper and find out what the real objection is and then overcome it. The reason for this is because we do not want to make it appear as though we are interested in ourselves. What is wrong with self-interest?

Why would queers want to marry each other? What is the underlying reason? It cannot to be because they want to start a family with children because they cannot reproduce. Homosexuality is death to man. It is the height of irrationality. Nothing but sickness and disease come out of homosexuality. It is completely unnatural and they were not born spiritually to be a queer. Being a queer is a choice. It is willful rebellion against God’s law.

The Supreme Court of California just overturned the law in California of marriage. How many years was marriage considered to be between a man and a woman in California? The California government has gone down a road that they will wish they never did. The only thing left is the judgment of God. For families, it is time to leave California. California is more interested in the death of the next generation. Leave the state to the queers. The queers are not interested in having equal rights but for having superiority. If they could they would outlaw heterosexuality.

The Supreme Court of California Justices should be impeached, but nothing will happen to them.
These justices have a place reserved in the lake of fire for them. They will spend eternity being tormented for this decision. They hate God and His law with all their heart. The Supreme Court of California does not have the final say in this matter, God does. God will not be mocked by these fools. These men are the biggest fools in the world, next to their master, Satan.

So why do queers want to get married? The answer is simple. They want medical and inheritance benefits for their partners. Their partners can be added to a medical plan by being married. They ultimately want the taxpayers to pay their medical bills when they contract AIDS. Most queers, especially men, are not interested in one partner. There is a lot of promiscuity among queers. There is no real love here. It is all lust.

As always, this will end up backfiring on the state of California. The queers may hail it as a victory, but really it is a defeat. When a culture accepts homosexuality, it is spiritually bankrupt. It is only a matter of time before it completely collapses. Spiritually it has already collapsed. Without true spirituality, no culture can sustain itself. God has a myriad ways of bringing judgment on a nation. However God does it, judgment will come.