Sunday, June 29, 2008


Totalitarians want to disarm the citizenry so that the government will have total control. Most gun control legislation has this thought in mind. As someone has so aptly said 911 is dial a prayer. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows that law enforcement cannot be everywhere all at one time. Law enforcement suffers from a lack of omnipresence. Each of us possesses the inalienable right to self defense. No individual has the right to take my life and property from me without due process of law and then only when I have done something wrong.

The deathocrat party is behind gun control laws. They somehow think that guns murder people. It never dawns on them that people with guns murder people. A gun is neutral because it is inanimate. A gun cannot shoot itself. A gun only becomes animate when a person uses it. A gun is then an extension of an animate being. In the mind of a deathocrat, if you get rid of guns, all gun crimes will cease. They do not look to the cause, but the effect. This is because the cause is subjective and the effect is objective.

The deathocrat cannot see into the heart of man, the source of all murder, but they can see with their physical eyes the gun. So they pass legislation against the effect, while ignoring the cause. The deathocrat will be vehemently opposed to the death penalty for murderers who are found guilty in a court of law. What they do not realize is that all guns could be destroyed and man would still murder. This is because murder is in the heart of man, not in the inanimate gun.

The Supreme Court affirmed the right of citizens to use guns for self-defense in a recent court
decision. All that they have done was affirm what was given to us by God in Exodus 22:2. Whether the Supreme Court substantiated the Second Amendment of the Constitution or not, we still possess the right of self defense because God has so legislated it. It is natural for us to want to defend ourselves against attacks and a gun is a good equalizer.

What the deathocrats do not realize is that no matter how many gun regulation laws that are passed, it will not deter criminals using guns. They are not going to go and register guns. They will get their weapons from the black market. What happens when you have a heavily regulated gun market, a black market for guns will naturally spring up. Criminals will ignore any regulations that are passed. They are outlaws.

What needs to be done is to recognize that men with evil hearts are going to do evil things. A good deterrent against criminal behavior is an armed citizenry. A nighttime burglar would have to think twice about trying to rob homes, if he knew that every home has a citizen who is armed and will shoot to kill any nighttime intruder. Self-defense is an inherent right of all the world’s citizens. God has so ordained it. Criminals beware.

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