Sunday, June 8, 2008


It is amazing that the state that the Puritans founded, and then instituted God’s law in is now devoid of any godliness. Beginning with the Supreme Court of Massachusetts mandating queer marriage to the state government mandating that those who can afford health insurance must purchase a policy or face being fined. The government of Massachusetts is taking away the individual’s freedom of choice.

Health care is an economic good. Health care is subject to the market. This means the law of supply and demand. If someone wants to have health insurance, this is an individual decision and it should not be a government coerced one. Individuals in Massachusetts are forced to buy a policy, possibly against their will. This is not a voluntary but an involuntary system. This is another example where there needs to be separation of economics from the government.

Recently, the Associated Press ran an article titled "5 Percent Still Without Health Ins." A quote from this article reads, "Five percent of Massachusetts taxpayers failed to obtain health coverage in 2007, and more than half of those, about 97,000, were forced to forfeit their personal exemption, worth $219, after it was determined they could have afforded health care."
If an individual did not earn enough money, they are not required to purchase health insurance.
This law is discriminatory against those who earn more than the government established
threshold. I guess the government needs to pass a law that says that one cannot be discriminated against because he makes a lot of money. Notice the coercion regarding the 97,000 that had to forfeit their personal exemption. The quote uses the word "forced." Being forced to do something means that it is against an individual’s will. This is what a government does, it uses its power of coercion. The individual’s freedom of choice has been taken away from him.

The fact that 95% complied with the law shows that citizen’s of the state of Massachusetts are not going to resist this law. They apparently do not care about their individual freedom of choice being stripped from them. The state of Massachusetts is a fascist state. The government will do whatever it wants because in the fascist state there are no absolutes other than the government doing absolutely as it pleases. The state of Massachusetts alone thinks it is sovereign.

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