Saturday, January 26, 2008


What is wrong with this picture? The state of Missouri must furnish transportation for pregnant female prisoners if these prisoners choose to have an abortion in a ruling by 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The effect is that, in a sense, the state of Missouri must bear partial payment for the pregnant female prisoner to have an abortion. Even though the newspaper article does not state it, the pregnant female prisoner must have to pay to have the abortion.

This became an issue because the state of Missouri has a law prohibiting using state tax money to pay for abortions. By having to provide transportation to have an abortion, the state of Missouri has to use state tax money. So now Missouri is having to violate a law that was passed by elected officials. This is legislating from the bench. The court, in this case, has exceeded their authority and infringed in an area that they have no right to.

How much the Missouri taxpayers will be called on to pay will probably be minimal. The immediate expense would be the gas used to drive to the abortion clinic plus the salaries for those transporting the prisoner. The indirect costs would be all of the insurance and depreciation expenses of the vehicle. On top of this, there will probably not be that many female prisoners who will have an abortion. Fortunately, taxpayer’s expense would be minimal. The main expense, in this instance, is in defending this law in the courts. It would be interesting to see how much was expended by the state of Missouri in this case. It would be wise for the state of Missouri to cut their losses and let this exception stand.

The expense to the taxpayer is not the issue. The legislature of Missouri obviously did not foresee this contingency or did and chose to ignore it. In essence, the ACLU and the Federal Appeals Court are in the right because of what the Supreme Court did in their decision of Roe. v. Wade. A woman has the right to have an abortion in the United States. The Missouri legislature violated this right by not allowing a female prisoner to have access to an abortion facility. While the state of Missouri is right in their passing a law that state tax money should not be used to pay for an abortion, this is an exception.

I do not want my readers to think that I support the ACLU and the court in this instance. Logically, they are correct and I will not deny them this. The issue is that all abortion needs to be outlawed in the United States. It needs to be a 50 state law. If abortion was criminalized, this issue would be a moot point. It would not need to be litigated. The only solution to this issue is that no female has the right to an abortion under any circumstance.

Ever since the U.S. judiciary declared the first law unconstitutional, they have been able to legislate from the bench. The judiciary makes new law and this is the responsibility of the legislature. When the judiciary does this, it undermines the authority of the legislature. This is the main issue in this case, not abortion. The judiciary is not answerable to the public like the legislature. They have become a law unto themselves.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


The way that a government is funded is through taxation. They are not in the business of making a profit. They are a net user of resources. Productivity to the government is using less not more resources. However, since there is no incentive of profit and loss, government becomes extremely inefficient. This inefficiency, in turn, leads to more money being spent by the government to function, as it continually expands its base.

There are two only two ways of approaching the high cost of crime. One is to continue to do it the way that we are presently doing it, with its high associated cost attached or do it God’s way with its intent of making crime unprofitable. The key here is omniscience versus limited knowledge. Most men want to legislate as if God had nothing to say on each and every issue. The most pathetic of all is the present sterile church. They are to concerned in pleasing humanist man, rather than pleasing a holy God.

Meanwhile, the costs of crime continue to escalate and the church of our day remains impotent, as usual. We are need in a major Reformation. The church has something to say in regard to crime. Those of the true church will be heard. Our voice has been silenced for too long. We have a allowed a secular system tell us how crime should be punished and with devastating results. We have done nothing, but wasted nonrenewable resources. We have not redeemed the time, but rather have wasted it. The sad thing is that the government is determined to continue to stay the course. Electing anyone to political office only ensures more of the same failed policies.

An article in the Johnson City Press of July 3, 2006 by the Associated Press headlines, "Murders cost state more then $110 million a year" Yes, and? All that this piece does is tell us that murder is expensive. It, however and not surprisingly, does not have a solution to the dilemma. So you and I as taxpayer’s are forced to pay higher taxes to shelter, feed, clothe, and give medical services to those who have murdered others.

Humanism is a failure everywhere it is tried. Humanism is a code word for socialism which has gone bankrupt everywhere it has been tried. The solution to all this is very simple. First, our judicial system has to be reformed. It is broke and does not work. It has not worked for well over a century. The criminal has more rights today than the victim and their families. Is this surprising? Humanists i.e. sinners, will protect fellow sinners. Likes beget likes. Criminals beget criminals. Sinners are all criminals whether murderers or unrepentant judges. They are all of the same theological ilk.

According to this article, it takes approximately $22, 207 a year to house an inmate in the state of Tennessee. This is more than I make in a year. What this means is that these convicted murderers do not have to put in a day of productive labor, but they are provided for as if they had been involved in honest gain. This is one of the biggest travesties ever perpetrated on mankind. We want these individuals away from society, but it costs us a great amount to do this.

What is the answer then to this situation? It is very easy to understand, as long as one has not been trained in stupidity i.e. government schools or universities. They are the cause of the problem, not the solution. No matter what we do, we have to keep having elections. No one has come out and said it would be better if we never sent anyone to Washington. The only thing that they will do is mess things up acting as if they are omniscient. They are limited human beings depending on demonic knowledge as real knowledge.

God’s law makes it explicitly clear what a murderer is. In other words, there is no mincing of words, as there will be with the humanist (sinners). God makes it clear what is and what is not. Should this surprise us? What should not surprise us is that the state of Tennessee is spending $110 million on murderers each and every year. This is status quo because the government of Tennessee believes in humanism i.e. sin. One of these days it will dawn on people that sin is expensive but righteousness pays dividends.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Proverbs 26:4 says "Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him." Sometimes it is wise to keep your mouth shut when in the presence of a fool. Wisdom tells you when not to reprove a fool. If reproving a fool makes you look foolish, then it is time to refrain.

Proverbs 26:5 reads, "Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit. Wisdom tells you that there are times to reprove a fool unless he should think that everyone thinks like he does. He must be put on notice that there are those who are opposed to him and he needs to be careful in disseminating his foolishness.

There are many churches in the United States that are unorthodox in their beliefs. Not only are they unorthodox, they are heretical. Those who hold orthodox Christian beliefs can have no fellowship with these so called Christians. These self proclaimed Christians are not Christians. There is no Biblical evidence to prove that they are Christians.

One such is Pastor Bob of the United Church of Christ of Union, Connecticut. His blogspot is called Pastor Bob’s Blog. His most recent post is TWO IMPORTANT JANUARY DATES. In this post, he discusses Martin Luther King’s birthday and Roe v. Wade. His comments on Roe v. Wade display his folly.

He writes, "Likewise, since Roe v. Wade, the issue of abortion has been a major point of contention among Americans and in many ways has divided the Christian church as well. Thought it is an emotional issue, it need not be a point of division, a reality used rather skillfully by many political operatives indeed."

The reason that the Christian church is divided over the issue of abortion is because one side is orthodox while the other is unorthodox. The United Church of Christ is unorthodox when it comes to abortion. They believe in the death penalty for the innocent but not for the guilty.

What stands out in Pastor Bob’s statement is that abortion is an emotional issue. It is not an emotional issue. It is an ethical issue. Emotion has nothing to do with it. Abortion is about life and death, namely death for the unborn. This is typical rant on his part. Emotion is subjective and is based upon feelings that are in constant flux. Pastor Bob is consistent in being an ethical relativist. He does not believe in absolutes, especially the absolute of life for the unborn. Thou shalt not kill is an absolute that ethical relativists hate with all their heart.

He asks some questions that he would like his readers to respond to. He writes, "I would be interested in your thoughts on these questions:...3. As we approach the 35th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision on abortion, what are YOUR thoughts on its merit and its impact on our culture?"

Abortion has no merit. The logical conclusion of abortion is death. If Pastor Bob’s mother had aborted him, he would not be able to do Pastor Bob’s Blog. Of course, this never crossed his mind. Abortion is the epitome of being illogical. It is anti-rational.

The impact on our culture should be apparent. Romans 6:23 reads in part, "The wages of sin is death..." Abortion is sin and it results in death of the future generation. This is because those who seek abortions, those who perform them, and those who advocate abortion have no hope for the future. They are present oriented. This is because they are spiritually dead. Abortion is the natural result of the death culture.

If Pastor Bob was orthodox, he would realize that Christ came to give us life and life more abundantly. Abortion is anti-life and therefore, it cannot be Christian.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Some things in life are so laughable they end up not being funny. They end up being a bad joke. It is really not funny but ridiculous. Why it was done in the first place makes no sense because for each of us the end result has no effect. We pay so many taxes because the majority of people want to take from the productive and give to the unproductive. They preach the gospel of equality. They do not think it is fair that some have more than others.

Those who do not ascribe to this false gospel are called heartless. What the real deal is that these false prophets claim to be compassionate. It is easy to be compassionate with other people’s money. When someone has to pay for something, they are careful who gets what. Their compassion becomes more narrow. My philosophy is simple, you get yours and I will get mine and leave mine alone unless you ask to borrow it and I grant my permission.

Some taxes are essential. Taxes used for law enforcement (police and judicial system), public safety and national defense are essential. This is where the majority of our tax dollars should go. Law enforcement has a monopoly on enforcement and punishment and is not designed to be run like a business. They are not trying to make a profit. Law enforcement is a net consumer but they produce something that is any many ways intangible, civil order. Civil order cannot be quantified.

Now for the joke. On January 1. 2008 on the front page of the Johnson City Press this is the headline New year, cheaper food - State tax on groceries lower effective today. This sounds good on the surface. However, when I read the article I had to laugh at the ridiculousness of the tax reduction. Why bother is my response. The tax savings for me and my family is so minimal that it really amounts to nothing at all.

What a concession by the Tennessee Legislature. They reduced the sales tax on food by a whopping one-half percent. Let’s do the math. If I spend $500 a month on food, I will be saving $2.50 a month ($500 x .5%). What a windfall. What will I be able to do with this extra $2.50 a month? Maybe I could use it to put a down payment on something that I have been desiring to buy for a long time. What is that you say, don’t be ridiculous? I know. I could buy a cup of coffee at Starbuck’s with it. That will not work because when I order coffee at Starbuck’s, it ends up costing me more than $2.50.

It looks as though I will not be able to spend this windfall on too much. The article says, "A family spending $6,000 a year on groceries ($500 a month) (this was put in for the math challenged who went to public school and would not be able to perform this higher math) will save $30 a year (I am inserting this as a public service for those who attended public school and for the math challenged $2.50 x 12)from the decreases that takes effect today."

Did you catch that? A $30 dollar tax savings over the course of a one year period. I cannot even afford to take the family out to a restaurant for that amount. In fact, I am not sure how I am going to spend my $30. Have you considered how you are going to spend your windfall? Why are you laughing? I see that you think that this whole thing is a joke. A comedian could get a lot of mileage with this one. What is that you say? The Tennessee Legislature has taken up a new profession, stand up comedy. It looks as though they are going to have a long and successful career.