Saturday, January 19, 2008


The way that a government is funded is through taxation. They are not in the business of making a profit. They are a net user of resources. Productivity to the government is using less not more resources. However, since there is no incentive of profit and loss, government becomes extremely inefficient. This inefficiency, in turn, leads to more money being spent by the government to function, as it continually expands its base.

There are two only two ways of approaching the high cost of crime. One is to continue to do it the way that we are presently doing it, with its high associated cost attached or do it God’s way with its intent of making crime unprofitable. The key here is omniscience versus limited knowledge. Most men want to legislate as if God had nothing to say on each and every issue. The most pathetic of all is the present sterile church. They are to concerned in pleasing humanist man, rather than pleasing a holy God.

Meanwhile, the costs of crime continue to escalate and the church of our day remains impotent, as usual. We are need in a major Reformation. The church has something to say in regard to crime. Those of the true church will be heard. Our voice has been silenced for too long. We have a allowed a secular system tell us how crime should be punished and with devastating results. We have done nothing, but wasted nonrenewable resources. We have not redeemed the time, but rather have wasted it. The sad thing is that the government is determined to continue to stay the course. Electing anyone to political office only ensures more of the same failed policies.

An article in the Johnson City Press of July 3, 2006 by the Associated Press headlines, "Murders cost state more then $110 million a year" Yes, and? All that this piece does is tell us that murder is expensive. It, however and not surprisingly, does not have a solution to the dilemma. So you and I as taxpayer’s are forced to pay higher taxes to shelter, feed, clothe, and give medical services to those who have murdered others.

Humanism is a failure everywhere it is tried. Humanism is a code word for socialism which has gone bankrupt everywhere it has been tried. The solution to all this is very simple. First, our judicial system has to be reformed. It is broke and does not work. It has not worked for well over a century. The criminal has more rights today than the victim and their families. Is this surprising? Humanists i.e. sinners, will protect fellow sinners. Likes beget likes. Criminals beget criminals. Sinners are all criminals whether murderers or unrepentant judges. They are all of the same theological ilk.

According to this article, it takes approximately $22, 207 a year to house an inmate in the state of Tennessee. This is more than I make in a year. What this means is that these convicted murderers do not have to put in a day of productive labor, but they are provided for as if they had been involved in honest gain. This is one of the biggest travesties ever perpetrated on mankind. We want these individuals away from society, but it costs us a great amount to do this.

What is the answer then to this situation? It is very easy to understand, as long as one has not been trained in stupidity i.e. government schools or universities. They are the cause of the problem, not the solution. No matter what we do, we have to keep having elections. No one has come out and said it would be better if we never sent anyone to Washington. The only thing that they will do is mess things up acting as if they are omniscient. They are limited human beings depending on demonic knowledge as real knowledge.

God’s law makes it explicitly clear what a murderer is. In other words, there is no mincing of words, as there will be with the humanist (sinners). God makes it clear what is and what is not. Should this surprise us? What should not surprise us is that the state of Tennessee is spending $110 million on murderers each and every year. This is status quo because the government of Tennessee believes in humanism i.e. sin. One of these days it will dawn on people that sin is expensive but righteousness pays dividends.

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