Saturday, July 19, 2008


We have probably always lived in an age when our supposed intellectuals and leaders demonstrate not intelligence but the opposite. Intellectuals are at root anti-intellectual. Intellect is a function of the spirit and most of our so called intellectuals are spiritually dead. Being spiritually dead allows them only one avenue of thinking, the carnal mind or sense based thinking especially the sense of sight.

The use of language is designed to express ideas and give meaning to our existence. However, the language used by the intellectuals consists of words without meaning and context. They themselves do not know what the words they use mean. Intellectual’s ideas, when put into practice, always give the opposite effect of what was originally intended. This is because intellectuals do not understand the law of cause and effect because this law is spiritually apprehended.

Much has been said about using alternative energy sources but alternative energy sources are never defined. Much ado has been made of wind and solar energy in recent days. Let it be known that I am not against developing wind and solar as sources of electricity, as long as the financing comes solely from private sources. No government funds should be allowed to develop our energy sources. It matters little to me what the source of electricity is as long as I have electrical power.

Until wind and solar energy can be produced at a lower cost than coal, then coal needs to be the primary source of electric power. Nuclear is also a reliable and proven source of electric power. When looking for energy sources, they must be proven and reliable. We do not need boondoggles but dependability in our energy sources. Also, until something is better and less costly than petroleum for the running of our cars, then we need to increase the supply of oil. I am all for alternatives when they are needed and sustainable and right now alternative energy sources are not necessary.

Our whole economic infrastructure is built upon the use of fossil fuels. To do what Al Gore is proposing using carbon free energy within a decade is absolute lunacy. The first thing that has to be understood about Al Gore is that he is an idolater. He worships the creation and not the Creator. He has built a religion called global warming. He says that our use of fossil fuels is causing a disaster that is going to be cataclysmic. He has made carbon our enemy rather than what it has been our economic friend.

God created the world good and therefore carbon is good when used in its proper form such as for power. Carbon has raised the standard of living of people from mere subsistence to untold capital wealth. We have an economic abundance because of carbon and Al Gore wants to take this wealth from us and have us return to a primitive lifestyle. He would rather have us riding around on bicycles instead of automobiles.

Al Gore should be declared economically insane because that is what he is. He does not live in the real world. His is a fantasy world of the worst kind and he wants to make his fantasy a reality. The only way that he can pull off this feat is at the end of a gun. He wants government to force people to accept his asinine ideas. The only way that the government can do this is by fascism or communism. In America, communism will be resisted to death, but since we already have a fascist system of government, government controls and taxes will be increased.

We do not need Al Gore nor his religion. His religion is false. This man is mad. He is not in anyway intelligent. His religion should be changed from global warming to global stupidity. Fortunately, there is more of an awareness in exposing these dangerous ideas. The media, of course, hails Al Gore as a visionary. He is a visionary alright but of the worst economic nightmare possible. Al Gore’s vision is of a jackboot in your face accepting carbon free energy.

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