Anytime that you have an election, the politicians scramble to get voted into office. They will say anything and do almost anything to get elected. Once they are elected they will fall back upon what they were before the election. As Solomon wisely said, "There is nothing new under the sun." A politician is always a politician. They will flip flop on the issues prior to the election. Do not think that they have changed their original positions for they have not.
Words are cheap when spoken without values. When someone is not led by principles but pragmatism, their words mean absolutely nothing. This is because the politician is not going to do anything that he promised. Honesty is a value and it is almost non existent among politicians. This is because to the pragmatist there is no difference between honesty and dishonesty. They are both the same in his mind even though each of these have different effects.
One politician has said "Politics is the art of compromise." What does this mean? For this politician it means "you go along to get along." This is a man who has no principles which he would defend to the death. This is the kind of politician that would sell out your life, just so he can get along with the other politicians. The only individuals that a politician seeks to impress is other politicians. They want to be accepted by the group, so they will do nothing that will rock the proverbial boat.
There are many politicians that say that they are Pro-Life but how many of them have called for the death penalty for abortion doctors and their murderous accomplices, women seeking abortions? No, they compromise by saying that they are against abortion except in case of the life of the mother. What they have to know but disregard is that the bridge for abortion is the exception clause of the life of the mother. While they claim Pro-Life, their compromise allows for abortion on demand because all a woman has to get the abortion doctors to say is that this abortion was performed to save the life of the mother.
Abortion on demand will remain the law of the land until politicians will get serious and demand the death penalty be imposed on the parties involved. This is not going to happen with political pragmatism. Until politicians become principled, all of their words are devoid of any meaning. When was the last time a politician told the truth? When was the last time a politician told you exactly what he believed?
The reason that the politicians can get away with being pragmatic is because the electorate is pragmatic. The established religion of America is pragmatism. The received faith has been taught in the established church of America, the public school system. The public school system is officially pragmatic. Where were our politicians educated? Why does it strike us as odd that politicians will flip flop during elections? Once they are elected, they will be what they have always been, pragmatic. This is bad news for everyone.
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