Saturday, May 17, 2008


Many questions in life need to be answered. Every good salesman knows that when a potential customer gives a reason why he will not buy a product, the reason given is not the real reason. There is something that is deeper. A good salesman will dig deeper and find out what the real objection is and then overcome it. The reason for this is because we do not want to make it appear as though we are interested in ourselves. What is wrong with self-interest?

Why would queers want to marry each other? What is the underlying reason? It cannot to be because they want to start a family with children because they cannot reproduce. Homosexuality is death to man. It is the height of irrationality. Nothing but sickness and disease come out of homosexuality. It is completely unnatural and they were not born spiritually to be a queer. Being a queer is a choice. It is willful rebellion against God’s law.

The Supreme Court of California just overturned the law in California of marriage. How many years was marriage considered to be between a man and a woman in California? The California government has gone down a road that they will wish they never did. The only thing left is the judgment of God. For families, it is time to leave California. California is more interested in the death of the next generation. Leave the state to the queers. The queers are not interested in having equal rights but for having superiority. If they could they would outlaw heterosexuality.

The Supreme Court of California Justices should be impeached, but nothing will happen to them.
These justices have a place reserved in the lake of fire for them. They will spend eternity being tormented for this decision. They hate God and His law with all their heart. The Supreme Court of California does not have the final say in this matter, God does. God will not be mocked by these fools. These men are the biggest fools in the world, next to their master, Satan.

So why do queers want to get married? The answer is simple. They want medical and inheritance benefits for their partners. Their partners can be added to a medical plan by being married. They ultimately want the taxpayers to pay their medical bills when they contract AIDS. Most queers, especially men, are not interested in one partner. There is a lot of promiscuity among queers. There is no real love here. It is all lust.

As always, this will end up backfiring on the state of California. The queers may hail it as a victory, but really it is a defeat. When a culture accepts homosexuality, it is spiritually bankrupt. It is only a matter of time before it completely collapses. Spiritually it has already collapsed. Without true spirituality, no culture can sustain itself. God has a myriad ways of bringing judgment on a nation. However God does it, judgment will come.

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