Sunday, August 10, 2008


Some things need to change. When you follow man’s law, you get man’s results which are always flawed. To say that man lacks omniscience is a huge understatement and yet man never considers the consequences of his actions long term. He is only concerned about the immediate moment. It is true that we are all going to die someday but that may not be for quite a few years from now. The future has to be considered when making our decisions.

The most dangerous times in America are election times. This is when the have nots (the lazy and unproductive) get to stick it to their productive neighbors. Voters are about voting themselves a living. Elections are about the voters getting their share of the unearned. Elections are about the breaking of the Tenth Commandment which forbids the coveting our neighbor’s possessions. The electorate see what their neighbors have and then vote to get their neighbor’s property.

When God’s law is rejected, then man’s law fills the void and man’s law will vote in envy every time. The majority of voter’s in Elizabethton, Tennessee have voted a sales tax increase from 9.25% to 9.75%, with the increase going to fund the public school system. This means that anyone who purchases any goods will have to pay more money. This will leave the purchasers with less money to spend on other goods.

The reasoning behind this sales tax increase was that it was for the children. Whose children? What if the taxpayers of this municipality did not have any children? Why should they have to support other peoples children’s education? They have to because the insane voters decided to covet their neighbors possessions. Breaking God’s law is the consequence of voting for man’s law. Whose obligation is it to pay for your children’s education? It is the parents and the parents responsibility alone. This is how it is to be according to Biblical law.

Parents are solely responsible for the support and raising of their own children, not for their neighbor’s children. The voters have taken away the authority of the family to use the money they have earned for the support of their own children. Following God’s law leads to people minding their own business and taking care of their own responsibilities. Man’s law leads to the exact opposite result. Under man’s law you get your neighbor to take care of your responsibilities.

God’s law will result in a limited decentralized government. Man’s law results in a huge centralized government. In Elizabethon, the government has increased its control over the population and it is a result of the voters giving them that authority. In Washington County, the local government put a sales tax increase to a vote. It was defeated resoundingly. What we need is not more government and taxes, but less. This can only happen when the electorate is educated in God’s law. Following God’s law will mean the rejection of man’s law and it its resulting insanity.

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