Sunday, August 24, 2008


The civil government in America has gained dictatorial power. There is almost nothing that the government has not legislated against. People in this country claim that we are free without understanding what true freedom is. You know that you are living in Orwellian doublespeak when people call slavery, freedom. The reason for this is simple because the idea of freedom is spiritually connoted and most people equate freedom with physical freedom. In other words, they are not in a gulag so they must be free.

Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines freedom as, "A state of exemption from the power or control of another; liberty; exemption from slavery, servitude or confinement." By this definition, it is clear that there is very little if any freedom in the United States. The government is involved in all facets of life and continues to seek to gain even more control of the citizenry. The only way that the government is able to do this is because the vast majority of the population do not think in spiritual terms. They do not realize how enslaved they are.

There are many ways the government controls us without putting us in a gulag. Just the threat of coercion is enough to cow most people into obedience. There are a few that will rebel against the system. In the United States, education is compulsory. It is a criminal offense not to send children to the government indoctrination centers. These schools are paid for by coercion. The taxpayers are forced to pay for these schools, whether they want to or not, even if they do not have or never have had children in this system. This is not freedom. Only recently has there been the availability of education choice but even if someone educates privately, their taxes still go to fund the government schools.

The state of Texas is reintroducing visible slavery. Courts in Texas have the power to put ankle bracelets with Global Positioning Systems that will monitor the whereabouts of truant students. Truant students obviously do not want to be in these schools and yet the government is going to force them to be there no matter what. In an Associated Press article, Linda Penn, a Bexar County justice of peace is quoted as saying, "Students and parents must understand that attending school is not optional. When they fail to attend school, they are breaking the law."

Children are forced by law to go to school and parents can be held criminally liable for not sending their children there. Is this freedom? Parents and children are not free because they are not exempt from the control of others. The rebels against this coercive system will now be visibly enslaved. The truants will now be shackled and for what? What sin is it if someone does not know how to read or to do basic math? Is it evil not to be able to read and write?

The answer to these questions is that the mandatory attendance laws of the government school system are anti-laws. These laws define something as being evil that is not evil. Penn’s concern is "We are at a critical point in our time where we can either educate or incarcerate." The only way that these school systems can get anyone to obey them is through the use of physical force. They educate using the same system. Is it any wonder that there are those who cannot read their diploma when they graduate from this prison system.

Since government education is coercive it makes the schools, for all intents and purposes, prison systems and the students wards of the state. Is this freedom? This systems makes parents, non-parents. The government has all the parental authority and the real parents are there just to financially support their children for the government. This is a reversal of the roles and yet if you ask the parents are they free, they will answer with a resounding, "We are free."

Unfortunately, I have to explain my position about education because dolts will say that I am opposed to education and that I believe every one should be ignorant. All one has to do is look at the failure of the government school system to see where real ignorance comes from. Education is spiritual. Therefore, it can never be taught coercively. Education is and will always be a private matter. When education becomes totally private, then it can be said that there is educational freedom. Children should be educated and this is the responsibility of parents, not the government.

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