Sunday, November 30, 2008


When man is left to himself, he becomes arrogant. An arrogant man will eventually overstep his authority. Man acts as though he is the supreme ruler over all things. Man refuses to acknowledge that he is merely a creature with limited authority. There is only so much a man can do. A man cannot know everything, cannot be everywhere all at one time, and cannot rule over all of mankind. Rather than acknowledging his limitations, he exalts himself as if he is the creator and ruler of all things. An arrogant man is also full of contempt for others.

Humility is good thing. Humbleness of mind recognizes limitations and seeks to live within established boundaries. Humility is freedom from being prideful. Arrogance, on the other hand, is bondage. Humility realizes its place, whereas arrogance knows no boundaries and will attempt the impossible. When arrogance is never checked, it will attempt to grow into absolute control. Arrogance leads to totalitarian dictatorship. Humility leads to limited government.

Man in his arrogance refuses to admit that he is a creature and not the creator. Because of his arrogance, he will act as though he has all power and control over all of creation. An example of this comes from the state of Texas. Two men where convicted of breaking a federal law which outlaws taking illegally captured or prohibited animals across state boundaries. Both of these men will serve prison time for violating this federal law.

These two men where taking deer from Minnesota to Texas for trophy hunts. What is wrong with that? Why is this against the law? The question gets down to who owns the animals of this world? Texas and Wildlife Department officials said that these two men were caught trying to bring 14 white-tailed bucks into the state. Yes, and what is the problem here? The problem is that the government says that it owns all of the animals of a particular state.

This is unbelievable. This boggles my mind. If there is a fish in the stream the government has said that it belongs to them. The government has arrogated itself into a position that I have to get permission from them to hunt or fish. This is why we have hunting and fishing licenses. On what basis does the government have this authority to say that all animals are its property? It should be obvious that the government does not own the animals of a state. They are the property of God and he has given man the authority to have dominion over His creation.

This is just another instance of the government overstepping its authority. This is because the government has set itself up as lord and master. This is what happens when man rejects the law of God. He will overstep his boundaries every time. Since man refuses to recognize any authority above him, he will fill the void with his own authority. His arrogance will also be his downfall. It is time to question all government licensing.

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