Tuesday, December 16, 2008


We are living in a time when thinking is solely based upon what people can see with their physical eyes. They lack spiritual eyes and therefore understanding. All understanding is based upon cause and effect and this is what most people lack. The public school system and most colleges and universities, teach effect based education. What is lacking is teaching cause because all causes are spiritual and these people are spiritually (ethically) dead.

Being ethically dead has consequences. The main consequence of ethical deadness will be to blame the visible effect for any problem. The effect is just the visible representation of a preceding cause. They are not wise enough to go to the cause. This is why the same problems keeping cropping up, no matter how much money has been thrown at the problem. The only thing that a visible thinker can do is to legislate against effects, never against the cause.

An example of visible thinking is gun control. A gun is an inanimate object. A gun has two purposes, one is self-defense and the other for forcing someone to do something against their will. The gun can do nothing by itself. The user of the gun determines how the gun will be utilized. Thus, the cause is determined by the ethical condition of the gun user and by nothing else. This is something that the visible thinker is incapable of understanding. He does not understand that people murder people using guns. He seeks to control the effect through the use of physical force.

We have seen an escalation of corruption in the civil government especially among the Democratic party, where corruption is a way of life. Corruption is a product of not believing in absolutes. Without standards, the only thing that any one is left with is making one’s own standards and these standards will be in a state of constant flux. These fluctuating standards will be dictated by the situation. This means that those who are effect oriented will make it up as they go along. This means that the politician is open to the highest bidder.

The recent scandal involving the Governor of Illinois is a representative case. Many people are saying that the corruption is because of the unlimited amount of political contributions that people are able to make in Illinois. Money is blamed for the corruption. Money is visible but it is merely an effect and not a cause. Money can either be used for good or for evil. Once again, it depends on the ethical condition of the user.

The way to prevent corruption in politics is not by passing Campaign Financing Laws but to elect ethical representatives. This means electing politicians who base their actions upon biblical ethics. By continuing to elect unethical politicians, the result will be predictable, escalating corruption and a new round of corruption. A politician without ethics will be open to corruption. This is why there is so much corruption in civil government, not political contributions.

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