Sunday, October 26, 2008


It is our privilege to be involved in the political process. Over the last two presidential elections, the number of voters has increased. It was reported by the Census Bureau about the 2004 election, 64% of voting age citizens voted. This represents 89% of registered voters. This means that the majority of American citizens exercised their right to vote. It will be interesting to see what the numbers for the election of 2008. The numbers will probably increase.

One of these days the electorate are going to realize that they hold the power when it comes to whom gets elected to office. Therefore, it is more important to reach the electorate than trying to take over a political party. If the majority of the electorate are reflecting truth, then the political party itself will follow suit. Elections are therefore won at the grass root level, not at the top. Most people think that the candidates control the election. They do not.

If Christians want their views expressed in the political process, then they are going to have to work within the present system. This means that Christians have to have a theory of civil law. Most Christians lack any theory of civil law because the predominate eschatology within Christianity is one that rejects any civil law theory. Therefore, by default, Christians find themselves under the law of man which is the law of idolatry.

Once the eschatology of the church changes, there will be a decided change in election results. It is more important to change the eschatology of the church than the present platform of a political party. Once the eschatology changes, the political platforms will change automatically. This process is a long term proposition, but one that is effective because it will be broad based. It is only a matter of time for this to take place because the truth will prevail over error.

Post-millennial eschatology will one day be the dominant eschatology of the church. It is only a matter of time. This eschatology has a long term view of history. This means that we have time on our side to see things change election by election. This eschatology is an eschatology of earthly hope. This eschatology will see the re-implementation of God’s law as the law of the land. There is nothing that can prevent this. This will take place through spiritual means.

Christians need to be faithful to vote and to inform themselves about issues and where the candidates stand on issues. No politician should be elected unless their positions are clearly stated. Away with this balderdash of just saying one word, "change." What is to be changed and how the does the candidate seek to effect the change? A candidate must give substance, not political slogans like "people not politics." An informed electorate will demand substance, not fluff.

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