There is a lot of crying wolf in our day. Pretty soon everyone knows what your response is going to be before you open your mouth. Some things are predictable. In our time, discrimination is the greatest of sins to the politically correct. This is in line with their way of thinking. They only understand life through the lens of physical attributes. The spiritual evades them every time.
People give clues of their thinking at every turn. They cannot conceal what is in their heart. "From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks" is a paraphrase of what the Lord Jesus Christ said. It is true. Whatever is in a person’s heart will eventually slip out of their mouth. There are two ways of thinking. One requires no effort, it is based upon our five senses. The other requires the use of our mind and mental effort. It is spiritual.
Intellectual and physical laziness confronts each of us everyday. It takes effort on our part to accomplish anything. Most of the time, we would prefer to go through life by inertia. This means that we will rather do nothing that requires mental effort. People prefer something that requires nothing of them. We have been told that respect is earned, but people prefer to have other people respect them just because they exist.
Entertainers have never been known for their intellectual prowess. They play parts, but their lines were written by others. Someone has done the mental part for them already. Entertainers, as a group, are known for their inane political ideas. For instance, they want us to take mass transit, while they travel around the country in their tour buses and entourage using more fuel than anyone of us could in several years. What they want for us, they do not demand from themselves.
I have never heard of an entertainer named Vivica A. Fox, but her story is representative of the point of this article. She was arrested for drunken driving. She was stopped on March 20, 2007 by California Highway Patrol after the 2007 Cadillac Escalade she was driving was clocked going 80 mph and weaving on the Ventura Freeway. I do not know the speed limit of the Ventura Freeway, but I know that it is below 80 mph.
Had Fox not been speeding and weaving, she would not have been stopped by law enforcement officials. Her behavior attracted their attention. The law is not to be a respecter of persons. It matters not what your position is in society, if you break the law, you suffer the consequences. We know that certain people’s arrogance makes them think that they are above the law and can do whatever they please.
The newspaper article reports that the black actress accused an officer of being a "racist white cop." What Fox is saying is that the reason that she was stopped was because of her skin color, not because she was speeding and weaving. Her ethical behavior did not matter to this white highway patrolman, just the fact that she was black, according to her. This is utter nonsense. Her skin color did not matter to the patrolman. Her ethical behavior is what was at issue.
We do not know whether or not the patrolman was able to see if she was black or not. Usually, when a patrolman stops someone, he is unable to ascertain the specific physical features of the driver. They have to make very quick decisions. They do not have the time nor the luxury of sizing up who they are stopping. What brought Fox to the patrolman’s attention was once again, her erratic driving, not her skin color.
We do learn from Fox’s calling the patrolman a "racist white cop," who the real racist is. We learn who discriminates based upon skin color and it is not the patrolman. When someone calls another a racist it because they believe that ethics do not matter. It is also because they do not understand ethics because ethics are spiritual. Fox makes her judgments based upon what she can see. She is a racist and is ethically challenged.