It should be obvious that the world leaders do not have a clue on how to solve the worldwide financial crisis. Anyone that puts their faith in these leader’s decisions will BE sadly disappointed by the result. This is because government leaders do not have clue as to what the cause of the financial crisis is. What gets the blame is rogue financiers, when in reality the Central Banks and fractional reserve banking are to blame.
The government’s primary function is law enforcement and justice. This means that the government’s primary function is negative. Law enforcement takes place in the visible world of effects. Government can never stop the spiritual which precedes the visible world of effects. Government’s response to any and every situation will remain the same, increasing regulation of the financial industry as if they had not been regulating it to death to begin with.
The government responds negatively by trying to gain control of effects, ignoring the spiritual cause of the crisis. The government is thus by nature reactive and not proactive. The government can only act when something has been done. No one is to be arrested for murder until they actually commit the murder. Thoughts about murder are not able to be prosecuted without corresponding actions.
Not understanding government’s role as being negative in application leads to the false belief that government can solve problems and crisis. They are incapable by definition. It should be obvious that the government should not be involved in the market (which is spiritual i.e. subjective choices) unless to enforce contracts and prosecute fraud. Outside of this function, the result of government intervention in the market will be a negative effect upon an economy and will inhibit an economic recovery.
The German Chancellor Angela Merkel wants to see "the establishment of a global governance structure." (AP News). This is an attempt by governments to gain control of something over which they have no control. In other words, her words shows how desperate governments are in this worldwide financial crisis. They are wanting to gain control over something that they will never be able to control no matter how many regulations they come up with.
The new structural system is one of decentralization. Centralization is passe. It belongs to a bygone era of museum pieces. The establishment is attempting the impossible of trying to keep control. Self government and personal responsibility are the wave of the future. Limited government is the new watchword. A return to absolutes is the future trend. Visible control is negative. We need something positive. This will be provided by a decentralized system of personal responsibility.