Just when you thought that studies had hit an all time useless low, another one comes along and out does it. It is amazing that people actually spend their time studying the most inane things and actually get paid to do it. Most of the time these studies are carried out at taxpayer’s expense because no one in the profit seeking area would risk their money on something so utterly devoid of anything useful.
Presuppositions have consequences. Where someone starts is also where they will end. If your premises are wrong, your conclusion will follow suit. Those who believe that the world exists by random chance will be led on all kinds of wild goose chases and then call their research profound.
Profound for who? The newspaper article’s title is APE vs. TODDLER- "Study indicates child, 2, possesses better learning skills than counterparts." Well if that is not a revelation, I will put in with you. This could have been told to these researchers free of charge. There is nothing earth shattering here. Had these researcher’s presuppositions been correct from the beginning there would have been no need for their ridiculous study.
What is astounding is the article writer actually reports it as though it is important. In my local newspaper, it appears on the front page of all places. This demonstrates how poor journalism really is. This is another attempt to foist evolution upon the public. Even though evolution has never been proved, it is reported as if it is absolute fact. This comes from people who advocate that there are no absolutes, just the absolute of evolution.
What makes this study so mindless is that it attempts to compare the learning habits of a two year old human and an ape. The presupposition here is that a toddler is no different than an animal. Humans are different than animals because we are not animals. We were created in God’s image and we are to have dominion over God’s creation which includes the apes.
We are in no way related to the apes. We did not evolve from them. Question, if we did evolve from them, how come we do not still see apes turning into humans? No we see the law of reproduction as stated in the first chapter of Genesis of likes begetting likes. Humans reproduce humans. Apes reproduce apes. Let’s try and get this elementary point across to our researchers.
The head researcher, Esther Herrmann concluded that "human children are not overall more intelligent than other primates, but instead have specialized skills of social cognition." What does this mean and what relevance does it have to anything? This is pure drivel. Human children are not primates. This is her classification and it is wrong.
How many people do you know that you talk to about your being a primate? I have never in my almost 50 years ever talked about being an ape. I wonder why that is? I know why because it is stupid to even think about something so far from reality.
Esther Herrmann is an evolutionary anthropologist, therefore it is easy to see where she is going to go with any study she conducts. She accepts as an absolute fact the principles of evolution. I wonder if she used the evolutionary principle of random chance in her studies or if she carried them out according to orderly principles?
If apes are so smart, where is their published body of literature? If they are so intelligent, why have they not constructed homes to live in rather than living primitively in the jungles for so many centuries? Why have we not see them become civilized if they are as intelligent as human children? Why have apes not developed a sophisticated language system? Is all this because they are incapable of performing such feats?
Do apes possess intelligence? Yes, they do, as do all the animals. God created them with intelligence to perform the tasks that are inherent in each of them. The reason that apes have been doing what they have doing for centuries and will continue to do, is because this is the way that God created them. They are hardwired and are not capable of any change. They do not need to. They do all that is and ever will be required of an ape.
Maybe I need to hire some apes to help me around the house. Do you think that I will succeed in having them mow my lawn? Think how cheap I can get by on a giving them a few bananas. I have yet to see an ape do any task that I would find useful. They may make a good pet but I think I will hire a young man to mow my lawn. At least it would get done.
This article also talked about a well-known expert in primate cognition named Dr. Frans de Waal. I wonder how marketable primate cognition is? Who really cares? He works at Emory University’s Yerkes National Primate Research Center. This means that he is taxpayer funded and not subject to the market. This kind of research has no market value. It is not even a penny stock, it is so useless.
It does not matter what I think about their research. All that matters to these people is that they are hailed as brilliant by their peers. How many people are going to sit down and read their research report? There are far more important things going on the world than to have to be subjected to this type of supposed knowledge.
The crux of their study is to try and shed light on the evolution of human cognition. I could save them a lot of time. Man when he was created, was a rational thinking being from the beginning. There was no evolution of human cognition. This is a myth.
So what did our taxpayer dollars give us from this study? Absolutely nothing. A two year old is undeveloped in so many regards. For one, they lack the ability to focus. How can this further our knowledge about the way that children learn by watching apes? A two year old does not stay a two year old. They grow up and their capacity will far outpace any ape.
It is about time to strip these nonsensical studies of any taxpayer support. There is nothing in them that has any value other than continuing to perpetuate the myth of evolution. How many more fruitless studies must we endure?
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