Some things in life are worth fighting for. There is a time to speak out and a time to refrain. We must choose our battles wisely. We need to fight ones that are winnable. We are living in a day and age where the church is paralyzed by so much false doctrine. Even though, they would tell you that they are orthodox, their fruit does not bear it out. Truth is never divided against itself. It is always consistent and non-contradictory. Contradiction only comes in the way of interpretation. All of life is based upon interpretation. It all depends upon our reference point. We need to be wise in our application of law. We all apply law. It depends upon which law we apply. For the true Christian, only God’s law can be applicable. Anything else is a false way. Question, "Why would God go to such extreme detail in describing His law and then want us to install a different civil law made up of finite sinful man’s opinions?" It does not make sense. It is in a word the height of irrationality.
Unless we begin with an Absolute God who is both ultimate unity and plurality, we begin wrong and since all reasoning is circular, we will end up in no man’s land. Van Til called it living in a void. It is something to avoid being in a void. The only alternative to an Absolute God is unlikes begetting likes or evolution. God’s law says that likes beget likes. What many in Christianity want to do is to mix seeds that is mix God’s word and evolutionary thought. What this produces every time is a hybrid which is sterile as any mule. They say that God has changed from the Old Testament to the New Testament. This is an evolutionary presupposition. The Bible is clear in this regard as Psalm 102:27 states, "But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end." If God is the same, how could He change? By definition, He cannot and still be God. It is clear that atheistic teaching of the atheistic schools has had its damning effect.
Because of atheistic teaching, people cannot think. They are never trained to do so. They have been effectively brainwashed to accept everything and believe that they can change nothing. It is time for the church to begin to believe the truth as it is in Jesus and do away with this evolutionary nonsense that is so prevalent in the church of our day. We have to begin with the doctrine of the Trinity and temporal creation. As was said before, the only other alternative is an uncreated eternal universe. In other words, matter becomes eternal and co-equal with God, if a God exists. This, of course, when taken to its logical conclusion, ends with God being subservient to matter and matter being God. This was the conclusion of Aristotle.
In a recent article in the Johnson City Press, the following headline appeared, "ACLU, Planned Parenthood challenge abortion measure." How surprising to say the least. Here are some quotes from that article, "The ACLU and Planned Parenthood sued Monday to block a Florida ballot measure that would pave the way for a law requiring parents to be told when their minor daughters seek abortions. The lawsuit argues that the ballot summary for the proposed constitutional amendment is misleading — leading voters to think they’re preserving rights when, in fact, the measure takes them away...The measure was designed to allow state lawmakers to pass a law requiring that parents be told when their minor daughters seek abortions. Lawmakers who want to pass such a law have to change the constitution first because last summer the state Supreme Court ruled that a 1999 parental notice law violated the state constitution’s privacy provision. "I think what the Legislature is to jeopardize the health and the safety and sometimes the lives of young women on the altar of anti-abortion politics, " ACLU Executive Director Howard Simon told reporters Monday..." The issue in a nutshell is "Do parents have a right to know if their minor children are having an abortion?"
This proposed Florida law is a plain common sense provision right out in the open. What do the ACLU and Planned Parenthood have against common sense? Anyone who knows the history of these two organizations know that Margaret Sanger and Roger Baldwin were close friends and were involved together in many socialist causes together. The answer is simple. Where will Planned Parenthood’s clients come from? Money is the key here. Follow the money. Planned Parenthood will not be in business if abstinence until marriage becomes in vogue. They must push sexual promiscuity especially among the young and vulnerable. In other words, they need fresh meat. Can you say "next?"
To say that these two organizations are hypocrites is the understatement of the century. They have no interest in the health, safety, and lives of young women. This is all high sounding rhetoric to disguise their true intent of slaughtering innocent babies for the sake of greed. First, they have to ensure that these young women get pregnant so that they can butcher the offspring. There is much money to be gained by this murdering process. Having an abortion is not a harmless procedure. A woman could potentially die from it. More and more is being learned about the long term effects of abortion and they are not flattering to this horrid industry.
Planned Parenthood and the ACLU say that rights are being taken away. They are right but not in the way that they say. What about the parent’s rights? Obviously, these twin degenerates coupled with the court systems do not believe the parents have any rights. In other words, the state has prior claim over minor children. The parents are not allowed by state law to have any say in their children’s life. They are only to feed and shelter them and keep their mouth shut. The hypocrisy comes because for a school nurse to administer aspirin to the same minor girl requires the parent’s permission. Not to murder an innocent baby though. It is not on the same magnitude as aspirin.
Anyone who knows anything about minors knows that they are not allowed to make contracts, vote, purchase cigarettes or alcohol and a myriad of other things. This is done because of the principle of diminished capacity. In other words, they do not have the requisite ability to make the right choices. However, when it comes to an abortion, they magically have the mental capability to make the right decision. How convenient! Anyone with a fragment of thinking ability knows that these young girls are afraid of what might happen now that they are pregnant. They are under stress and will not think clearly. In other words, they are easily pressured into getting an abortion by the atheistic schools and especially their willing accomplices in murder, Planned Parenthood. Here let us take that unwanted burden from you. It is just a blob of tissue anyway, they say.
Let us think this through for a minute of why the ACLU and Planned Parenthood are combining to deny parents their rights. If most parents found out, some would be hesitant about allowing their daughter to have an abortion. They may even not believe it is a blob of tissue and know that it is a baby and they would be murdering their grandchild. Better a bastard than a dead baby. They may also allow their daughter to have the baby and put it up for adoption. They may require the other party involved to marry their daughter and take care of his new and growing family. All of this would mean that Planned Parenthood would not get any money out of the deal. After all this is what they are after in the first place. Parents are a definite barrier to the abortion industry. This is why they are consistently denied their rights by the courts who will protect open season on unborn children at all costs. We have hunting season for animals, why not for children?
Thirty four years have passed since Roe v. Wade declared the death penalty without the benefit of a trial for unborn children. As a side note, the media is notorious for calling a baby a fetus. Why are they not consistent? If they have a baby they do not say, "Oh honey the fetus just kicked," or when the baby is born, "What a beautiful boy fetus." Make no doubt about it these hypocrites oppose the death penalty for the guilty, but for an innocent baby, their cry is choice. This is Darwinian evolution right out in the open. Only the strong survive. Survival of the fittest is the law of the jungle. What about the choice of the baby? It is obvious just by being in the womb that a baby’s choice is to be born. Those who believe in choice do not really believe in choice. They deny the choice to the baby. It is all about selfishness, irresponsibility, hypocrisy and greed.
What is the logical conclusion of abortion? The death penalty for the innocent without the benefit of a trial. How hypocritical are those that support abortion? If their mothers aborted them, they would not even be here to support abortion. They ought to thank their mother that she did not abort them! Will they though? No, because they are hypocrites. They refuse to face the truth but want to live in a fantasy world of their own making. They, however, still live in God’s world controlled by God’s law. Until Christians begin to demand the death penalty for the guilty in regard to abortion, we will see the number of dead babies continue to climb. You cannot compromise with evil. It must be stopped.