Thursday, October 4, 2007


I am more than confident that you are painfully aware of the rising gas prices. I believe that the vast majority of people do not understand why. If you listen to people’s explanations, it demonstrates that they were educated in the government schools and learned nothing about basic economics. People blame President Bush for the high gas prices. The media loves this one. Notice, however, since January when the Democrats began to control Congress, the prices has steadily increased. Where I am at, gas has gone up 91 cents a gallon, from a low of $1.94 to $2.85.

Or you get an e-mail asking you to boycott Exxon-Mobil to get the price to decrease or do not buy gas for a day. This is utter nonsense right out in the open not to mention it will never work. Our economy is a market economy. Therefore, it is subject to the laws of supply and demand. The only reason that prices are rising is because demand is outstripping supply. The price is used to ration this limited supply so that everyone can get what they need.

There are two ways to see the price of gas decrease. The one that will be suggested by the atheists will be to decrease consumption. They propose to do this by using the government, just like good socialists. They can do this by increasing gas taxes, increasing already burdensome regulations, and the attempt to shift to alternate fuels. Of course, these individuals also believe in the myth of neutrality. In other words, they believe that there will be no ramifications to their policies.

Can you say recession and possible depression? With a decrease in gas consumption will come two things. It will decrease the amount of economic activity. This will force businesses to cut back on their highest expense, labor. When people are out of work, guess what they do? They cut back on spending which causes a further downward spiral. In case you have been delusional for most of your life, the American economy is fueled by gasoline. Also tied with it is our freedom. It allows us to be mobile. We can go where we want when we want. Of course, the godless hate our freedom. They seek to bring us under their control.

The second way is to increase the supply of gasoline. This is the one that will work. I propose that we drill for oil in the Arctic wilderness. Now do not tell me about the caribou and this pristine wilderness. When was the last time you booked your vacation to go there? This would increase the amount of oil available to be refined. Lift all restrictions on drilling through out the United States and especially our gulf coasts.

Being a preacher, I know that I have God on my side, in this regard. Genesis 1:26-28, "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 28And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." God has given man dominion over His creation. This means that we need to be finding more oil and no atheists can stand in our way.

Pollution is an inescapable concept. Because man is not God, there will always be inefficiencies in any process that he devises. This does not mean that he is to just stop living. He should try to control pollution, within reason, but it is demonic to believe that he can totally eliminate it. Even atheists have bowel movements. Do they believe that they can these can be eliminated? Some atheists have even suggested using only one piece of toilet paper. Sorry, dummy but I am going to use enough to get the job done, if you know what I mean. Their solutions are just like them, moronic.

We need further, to build refineries. Our atheists friends have not allowed one to be built in this country in a long time. I remember John Kerry, when he ran for President, saying that we need to have higher paying jobs. This blockhead opposes building refineries and drilling for oil domestically. Building refineries, operating refineries, and drilling and pumping oil are high paying jobs. So we see that the atheists are all blow and no go.

It is time to dispel a myth. All we hear from atheists is about the profits of Big Oil. Truth is that the oil companies are making approximately .09 cents a gallon (Rush Limbaugh Newsletter). The government makes more on a gallon of gas than the oil companies, without expending one ounce of energy or finances. This is not something the godless want you to know. They put everything at the feet of the oil companies, all the while they stay in the shadows, like their master, the devil.

I for one refuse to cut my consumption. I refuse to allow the government to tell me what to do, in this regard. This is an economic decision, not a political one. The sooner that the government exits this area of the market, the better it will be for all of us financially. You and I know what is best for us when it comes to the use of gasoline. I say allow the oil companies to increase the supply. It has been ordained of God.

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