Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I have an interest in thinking. I am a student of thought. Thought occurs before action. At one time, I had an interest in what made serial killers tick. What made them do what they do? Looking back on it, it does not matter what made them do it. The subjective can only be surmised. What must be judged are the objective facts of a case. Was a murder committed and if so, who is responsible? The reasons for committing a murder become meaningless.

Studying the criminal mind is a useless enterprise. Criminals have nothing positive or productive to offer. Death and destruction are the tools of their trade. Their thought patterns are filled with evil. You do not overcome evil with evil but with good. This is where the death penalty comes in. The death penalty removes evil people from the earth so that they can no longer do evil. When evil is dealt with in this manner, it leaves room for good to flourish.

What has happened in this nation is that evil is not viewed as being heinous. There has been an attempt to make the perpetrator not responsible for his actions, no matter how horrific the crime. Since the predominate thought pattern is based upon physical sight, experts look for physical reasons that people commit crimes. What these dolts do not understand is that this criminal behavior is spiritual, not physical.

Justice is based upon vengeance against the guilty party. Justice protects the rights of the victim, not the criminal. It is important that the guilty are convicted. A trial is to establish the facts of a case and prove the guilt of the accused. An appeal should only be allowed if there is a question as to the guilt of the accused, such as a conviction based solely upon circumstantial evidence. An open and shut case does not deserve the right to appeal. Such is the case with Christa Gail Pike.

Christa Gail Pike is the youngest woman on death row. If you want to read the horrific murder that this young woman committed do a scroogle search with her name. The first file that comes up will give you the detail of this murderer’s actions. It took the jury two and half hours of deliberation to convict her of murder. All of the evidence of this case leaves no doubt that Pike committed this murder. This is a case beyond appeal. One of the jurors said about Pike that "She has an angel’s face and a devil’s heart." This sums up this case.

What is most amazing about this case is Dr. Jonathan Henry Pincus who is a specialist in neurology. He has been probing Pike’s brain since 2001 (for what reason I do not know). According to the AP story "Pincus believes every killer he has examined shares three features: brain damage, a history of abuse and mental illness." In other words, murderers are not responsible for their murders according to Pincus. What does he suggest we do with people like Pike? He would keep them alive so that he could study them. He would pervert justice, in other words.

Pincus is nothing more than an accomplice to murder. Pike does not need to be studied. She needs to be put to death and the sooner the better. Her victim’s life would then be avenged. Pike deserves retribution. These ungodly experts are perverting justice and causing evil to flourish. There has been much debate about whether the death penalty is a deterrent. When used properly, it is. As the death penalty is used in our day, it is not.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Sometimes you wonder whether or not elected officials will ever learn from historical mistakes. The answer is that they never learn. What has failed in the past is repeated again and again. It is not as though the government has not been provided with workable answers. They have and have chosen to ignore them. Modern day politics is not doing what is right, but about maintaining power at all costs.

The Christian Reconstruction Movement has correctly recognized modern politics as power religion. Power religion is using physical force to enact policies. The use of physical force is necessary because their policies can work in no other way. Power religionists do not understand that the world has been predefined by God and therefore, only by being in conformity with God’s law does anything work in the real world.

Even though their policies will be destructive, the power religionists do not care. They will enact any policy that further entrenches their power. The government uses illusions and propaganda to keep the electorate blind. The electorate remains blinded willfully. The electorate does not want to take the responsibility for their votes and find out what effect enacted policies will have long term. Everyone is shortsighted.

What is amazing is that Obama is acting as though he is the President already. The media covers him as though he has already been inaugurated. I do not recall it ever being like this. Obama is arrogant. He cannot wait to get power. He thinks that he has answers to what is ailing America. He does not. All that he will do is what has failed miserably in the past. He and his future administration are economic ignoramus.’

The government does not create jobs. Businesses creates jobs. The government has make work such as the proposed infrastructure work proposed by Obama. Once a bridge is built, it is built. There is no recurring work. It is a one time event. The government generates no revenues, so they must extract it from its citizens. This means that job creation will be stifled by the amount of government expenditures in creating make work. This is the effect of government expenditures. Economic growth under these conditions is impossible.

A good example is a military base. Very few industries thrive in a city where the military is the primary employer. This is because the primary service of the military is to provide for defense. The military is a net user of goods, not a producer. Only through production of goods and services does a nation gain wealth. This principle is understood by very few of our elected officials. It is not understood by the future administration. Obama’s administration is not based upon ethics, but upon power.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


We are living in a time when thinking is solely based upon what people can see with their physical eyes. They lack spiritual eyes and therefore understanding. All understanding is based upon cause and effect and this is what most people lack. The public school system and most colleges and universities, teach effect based education. What is lacking is teaching cause because all causes are spiritual and these people are spiritually (ethically) dead.

Being ethically dead has consequences. The main consequence of ethical deadness will be to blame the visible effect for any problem. The effect is just the visible representation of a preceding cause. They are not wise enough to go to the cause. This is why the same problems keeping cropping up, no matter how much money has been thrown at the problem. The only thing that a visible thinker can do is to legislate against effects, never against the cause.

An example of visible thinking is gun control. A gun is an inanimate object. A gun has two purposes, one is self-defense and the other for forcing someone to do something against their will. The gun can do nothing by itself. The user of the gun determines how the gun will be utilized. Thus, the cause is determined by the ethical condition of the gun user and by nothing else. This is something that the visible thinker is incapable of understanding. He does not understand that people murder people using guns. He seeks to control the effect through the use of physical force.

We have seen an escalation of corruption in the civil government especially among the Democratic party, where corruption is a way of life. Corruption is a product of not believing in absolutes. Without standards, the only thing that any one is left with is making one’s own standards and these standards will be in a state of constant flux. These fluctuating standards will be dictated by the situation. This means that those who are effect oriented will make it up as they go along. This means that the politician is open to the highest bidder.

The recent scandal involving the Governor of Illinois is a representative case. Many people are saying that the corruption is because of the unlimited amount of political contributions that people are able to make in Illinois. Money is blamed for the corruption. Money is visible but it is merely an effect and not a cause. Money can either be used for good or for evil. Once again, it depends on the ethical condition of the user.

The way to prevent corruption in politics is not by passing Campaign Financing Laws but to elect ethical representatives. This means electing politicians who base their actions upon biblical ethics. By continuing to elect unethical politicians, the result will be predictable, escalating corruption and a new round of corruption. A politician without ethics will be open to corruption. This is why there is so much corruption in civil government, not political contributions.

Monday, December 8, 2008


Most things in life are predictable. Most people do not think in terms of cause and effect. This means that they think solely on the basis of effects. This means that they will never be able to understand what precipitated an event. They end up blaming the wrong thing and then they want the government to do something about the effect. This does nothing to remedy the problem because the cause remains.

Change the cause and the effect will change automatically. This is what needs to be done to remedy any kind of ill. However, this is what never happens in reality. This is because we have moved from a personal world to an impersonal one. Most people are taught in the public school system that there is no god. They fail to teach that God created the world out of nothing in a literal six days. This means that these young people are taught that the world is governed by impersonal forces and these forces must be controlled through the use of magic.

Believing that the world is impersonal has consequences for society at large. First, it removes all sense of personal responsibility. When was the last time you heard of anyone charged with a crime pleading guilty? No one publicly admits that they have committed a sin. They say that they made a mistake or they went against all the things that have believed in like John Edwards tried to do with his adulterous affair.

Personal responsibility is the cornerstone of limited civil government. This is one of the reasons that the civil government has grown so unwieldy because of a lack of personal responsibility. A recent example will prove the point. A part time employee was recently trampled to death on Black Friday at a Walmart in New York. A crowd rushed the doors once they were opened and this employee got caught in the melee and was trampled.

What occurred was predictable. The family of this victim is suing Walmart for wrongful death. This is wrongheaded. Who is responsible for this employees’s death, Walmart or the mob? The wrongful death suit should be brought against those who actually caused this man’s death, not Walmart. A letter to the editor in my local paper wants to see Black Friday outlawed. He like other non thinking people placed the blame on the store rather upon the true perpetrators of the crime, the mob.

Whoever is responsible for this murder will be held accountable by God on the day of judgment. No one is going to get away with anything. Hopefully, Walmart will refuse to pay anything for this lawsuit. I hope that Walmart asks the judge to dismiss this frivolous lawsuit. I hope that Black Friday continues and that what people will learn from this tragedy is to control their behavior. It was the behavior of shoppers, not the store that caused this unfortunate situation. Personal responsibility for one’s actions is the cure to this ill, not outlawing Black Friday. I hope that stupidity does not win out again.