Saturday, March 29, 2008


I do not know whether the Editorial Staff of the Johnson City Press are intellectually dishonest or economically ignorant. I assume that they are both. Their common sense tips about saving gas miss the point. Most of the tips are impractical, such as car pooling and mass transit. These measures are designed to control a population’s freedom.

Gas prices are determined by the law of supply and demand. The reason gas prices are rising is because demand is exceeding supply. Conservation and finding alternate fuel sources is not the answer. Increasing the oil supply will reduce the price of gasoline. Drilling for more oil, using oil shale and tar sands will do just fine.

An ignored source of the lack of supply of oil is government taxation and regulation. Each gallon of gas includes Federal and State taxes. Because of environmentalism running amok, the oil industry is regulated as to where they can drill, and because of supposed pollution, refineries have to change their gasoline blends, thus driving up the price of gas.

The Editorial Staff hates oil with all their heart. They intuitively know that oil represents freedom. Oil allows us to go where we want and allows us to be independent. The Editorial Staff wants us dependent upon the government. Oil allows us to be individualistic. This is something the Editorial Staff and all totalitarians despise.


Anonymous said...

If you think more drilling on US soil is the answer, you're the misguided one. We consume 25 percent of the world's oil and contain only 3 percent of proven reserves. In fact, oil companies already own rights to many of these areas but don't drill them all. Go figure!

Think they care about keeping prices low for you?

Get a clue and stop buying into the propaganda that we need to drill every square inch and leave nothing behind for future generations to remember wildness by. Oil is an addiction, and the more we conserve, the less demand there is...thus not only making our LIMITED supply last longer but also dropping prices.

People like you make me sad.

Rev. Terry W. Jackson said...

Anonymous makes me laugh. She wants to us to live life as primitively as possible. Her god is the created rather than the Creator. She is an idolator. She hates progress with all her heart.

She is anti-dominion. She refuses to do what God told her to do, subdue the earth and have dominion. It is time to start drilling for more oil. God has told us to do so.

Rev. Terry W. Jackson said...

Correction: She wants us to live life as primitively as possible.

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