Sunday, July 27, 2008


Living in an irrational age is a tough proposition and yet, daily we are faced with this situation. We are taught to treat each individual the same regardless of their moral character. We are indoctrinated with the idea that there is no difference between good and evil. We must not make any value judgments about anyone. We hear the scripture taken out of context in Matthew 7:1, "Judge not, lest ye be judged."

Having a wrong emphasis will result in wrong consequences. Instead of receiving punishment as a criminal, criminals are treated as victims. They are coddled and given more rights than those who do not break the law. Most criminals are lazy and by putting them in prison only contributes to their laziness. They are given access to medical care that they could not afford on the outside because they could not pay for it. It pays to be criminal. The government will make sure that you are well taken care of without having to pay for anything. For those who hate to work, this is an ideal situation. It is rewarding criminal behavior.

A woman named Sonya Phillips, who was awaiting trial for the death of her child, died on December 8, 2000 for what medical examiners say was untreated diabetes. A Federal Appeals Court has ruled that correctional officers at Roane County Jail (TN), a doctor and a paramedic employed at the County Jail can he held liable for Phillips death. What is this decision saying to those who did not murder their own child like Phillips did? Phillips new born baby was found wrapped in plastic in a wooded area and she was charged with first degree murder.

The question is should these law enforcement personnel, doctor, and paramedic be held liable for Phillips’ death and if so on what basis? The Court said that these personnel were aware of Phillips’ deteriorating condition for two weeks prior to her demise. The Court said that their failure to take her to a hospital was intentional apathy to her medical condition. Did Phillips have untreated diabetes prior to her arrest and whose responsibility was it to seek treatment prior to her arrest if she had diabetes?

How can the Court rule with certainty that even if Phillips was taken to a hospital that she would not have died because the diabetes was at such an advanced stage? While it is unfortunate that Phillips died before she could be tried for her heinous act of murdering her own child, the Roane County Jail personnel should not be held liable for her death. She had a pre-existing medical condition that she did nothing about when she was not in custody. This situation would never had occurred had Phillips not murdered her own child.

The result of this decision will end up bankrupting small counties like Roane County. To protect themselves from liability, all prisoners who have a sniffle will be taken to the hospital to make sure that they do not die of some pre-existing condition that they did not take care of on their own. Recruiting for law enforcement personnel and doctors and paramedics will be much more difficult. No one wants to be held responsible for someone’s death that they had no hand in contributing to. Court rulings have consequences. Beware!

Saturday, July 19, 2008


We have probably always lived in an age when our supposed intellectuals and leaders demonstrate not intelligence but the opposite. Intellectuals are at root anti-intellectual. Intellect is a function of the spirit and most of our so called intellectuals are spiritually dead. Being spiritually dead allows them only one avenue of thinking, the carnal mind or sense based thinking especially the sense of sight.

The use of language is designed to express ideas and give meaning to our existence. However, the language used by the intellectuals consists of words without meaning and context. They themselves do not know what the words they use mean. Intellectual’s ideas, when put into practice, always give the opposite effect of what was originally intended. This is because intellectuals do not understand the law of cause and effect because this law is spiritually apprehended.

Much has been said about using alternative energy sources but alternative energy sources are never defined. Much ado has been made of wind and solar energy in recent days. Let it be known that I am not against developing wind and solar as sources of electricity, as long as the financing comes solely from private sources. No government funds should be allowed to develop our energy sources. It matters little to me what the source of electricity is as long as I have electrical power.

Until wind and solar energy can be produced at a lower cost than coal, then coal needs to be the primary source of electric power. Nuclear is also a reliable and proven source of electric power. When looking for energy sources, they must be proven and reliable. We do not need boondoggles but dependability in our energy sources. Also, until something is better and less costly than petroleum for the running of our cars, then we need to increase the supply of oil. I am all for alternatives when they are needed and sustainable and right now alternative energy sources are not necessary.

Our whole economic infrastructure is built upon the use of fossil fuels. To do what Al Gore is proposing using carbon free energy within a decade is absolute lunacy. The first thing that has to be understood about Al Gore is that he is an idolater. He worships the creation and not the Creator. He has built a religion called global warming. He says that our use of fossil fuels is causing a disaster that is going to be cataclysmic. He has made carbon our enemy rather than what it has been our economic friend.

God created the world good and therefore carbon is good when used in its proper form such as for power. Carbon has raised the standard of living of people from mere subsistence to untold capital wealth. We have an economic abundance because of carbon and Al Gore wants to take this wealth from us and have us return to a primitive lifestyle. He would rather have us riding around on bicycles instead of automobiles.

Al Gore should be declared economically insane because that is what he is. He does not live in the real world. His is a fantasy world of the worst kind and he wants to make his fantasy a reality. The only way that he can pull off this feat is at the end of a gun. He wants government to force people to accept his asinine ideas. The only way that the government can do this is by fascism or communism. In America, communism will be resisted to death, but since we already have a fascist system of government, government controls and taxes will be increased.

We do not need Al Gore nor his religion. His religion is false. This man is mad. He is not in anyway intelligent. His religion should be changed from global warming to global stupidity. Fortunately, there is more of an awareness in exposing these dangerous ideas. The media, of course, hails Al Gore as a visionary. He is a visionary alright but of the worst economic nightmare possible. Al Gore’s vision is of a jackboot in your face accepting carbon free energy.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Anytime that you have an election, the politicians scramble to get voted into office. They will say anything and do almost anything to get elected. Once they are elected they will fall back upon what they were before the election. As Solomon wisely said, "There is nothing new under the sun." A politician is always a politician. They will flip flop on the issues prior to the election. Do not think that they have changed their original positions for they have not.

Words are cheap when spoken without values. When someone is not led by principles but pragmatism, their words mean absolutely nothing. This is because the politician is not going to do anything that he promised. Honesty is a value and it is almost non existent among politicians. This is because to the pragmatist there is no difference between honesty and dishonesty. They are both the same in his mind even though each of these have different effects.

One politician has said "Politics is the art of compromise." What does this mean? For this politician it means "you go along to get along." This is a man who has no principles which he would defend to the death. This is the kind of politician that would sell out your life, just so he can get along with the other politicians. The only individuals that a politician seeks to impress is other politicians. They want to be accepted by the group, so they will do nothing that will rock the proverbial boat.

There are many politicians that say that they are Pro-Life but how many of them have called for the death penalty for abortion doctors and their murderous accomplices, women seeking abortions? No, they compromise by saying that they are against abortion except in case of the life of the mother. What they have to know but disregard is that the bridge for abortion is the exception clause of the life of the mother. While they claim Pro-Life, their compromise allows for abortion on demand because all a woman has to get the abortion doctors to say is that this abortion was performed to save the life of the mother.

Abortion on demand will remain the law of the land until politicians will get serious and demand the death penalty be imposed on the parties involved. This is not going to happen with political pragmatism. Until politicians become principled, all of their words are devoid of any meaning. When was the last time a politician told the truth? When was the last time a politician told you exactly what he believed?

The reason that the politicians can get away with being pragmatic is because the electorate is pragmatic. The established religion of America is pragmatism. The received faith has been taught in the established church of America, the public school system. The public school system is officially pragmatic. Where were our politicians educated? Why does it strike us as odd that politicians will flip flop during elections? Once they are elected, they will be what they have always been, pragmatic. This is bad news for everyone.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Day by day and year by year, we are losing our liberty. Our governments are determined to run all of our lives. There is nothing the government does not desire to control and yet there is no outcry from the people. This is because they are getting what they wanted. They were educated in the government schools and have been conditioned to accept, without question or reservation, any crazy law the legislature passes.

The government operates by degrees. They have not taken our liberties wholesale but slowly, one by one. It is a slow terminal death. Make no mistake about it, the government will not stop until they are totalitarian. Once they begin down this road, there is no area of life that the government will not seek to regulate. Government regulations are massive. An example is the Tax Regulations. The Tax Code is contained in two massive books. The Tax Regulations are five times that number. The government is determined to leave no stone unturned.

When the citizens have a new liberty, the government is going to find a way to regulate it. The cell phone is a technological marvel. An individual can take his phone with him wherever he goes. He is reachable wherever he is. Now an individual does not miss any calls. Important calls can be answered immediately and decisions made quickly. In emergency situations, the cell phone can be the difference between life and death.

This freedom is too much for the government to bear. They had to find some reason to regulate its use. They found their solution in public safety. The government in Washington state has passed a law making it illegal to operate a vehicle and talk on a hand held cell phone. This is the government telling its citizens what they can and cannot do in their own vehicles. What should happen is that the driver bears the responsibility should they have an accident while talking on a hand held cell phone just like any other accident.

Accidents happen for a majority of reasons. Someone can have an accident while changing radio stations, or drinking a cup of coffee, or a woman putting on her make-up, or someone reading a newspaper. In these examples, an accident is an accident regardless of the cause. Every possible situation cannot possibly be legislated against. In other words, there are going to be accidents no matter how many laws the legislature passes.

Here is the real telling issue about this Washington State Cell Phone Law. According to the Associated Press article, "In 2007, there were more than 141,000 collisions in Washington state, and reports on 158 of them listed "operating" a hand-held device–such as a cell phone or an MP3 player–as a contributing factor, according to the state patrol." These 158 accidents are .0011 percent. Hardly a major factor in accidents in Washington state. This law was passed, not for public safety, but for control by the state government over its citizens.